The helicopter blew dust in our faces as it landed. I used the hood of my jacket to cover my face. The pilot stepped out and opened the passenger door, a kid stepped put and he looked older than me... and richer. I rolled my eyes. I've heard about rich people before from my parents, some are ok but most are corrupt, power hungry people. Mostly the reason why my parents were all over the world, trying to stop these people.

"Don't worry people," he said, "Kenji is here so let the party commence." He tossed his bag at Roxie. "Put this in my room will you," he said. He walked up to me and, Darius, I think his name is. "So, what's your deal." Roxie threw the bag at his back causing him to fall flat on his face. I laughed.

"Alright let's go," Roxie said, dusting off her hands.

The Jeep had an open back and we all climbed into the back. Dave drummed his fingers on the side before getting in and driving off abruptly, we all scrambled to put our seat belts on. "I hope you got my m-moms n-note," Ben said, looking like he was going to hurl again, "I don't do well on windy roads." "Listen, if you are going to hurl, aim for the bushes... or Kenji," I said. "Hey," I heard Kenji say. Ben gave me a weak thumbs up before clutching the side of the Jeep.

Internet girl whipped out her phone and started vlogging everyone saying an intro. "Ok guys," she said, "I need you to say all your names and something interesting about yourself." She went around the group. Turns out Track star's name is Yasmina.

Internet girl was interviewing Darius when Texan cut him off with a fan girl squeal. "I'm sorry but I just cannot believe you're Brooklynn, " she grabbed Brooklynn's hand and starting shaking it, "I'm Sammy Gutierrez, total Brooklander, kaapow! Oh also my family supplies the park with meat so that's how I got here," she said. So Texan was Sammy and Internet girl was Brooklynn.

"Um what's a Brooklander," Darius asked. "Oh that's just what online followers call themselves," Brooklynn answered. "All twenty-seven million of us," Sammy exclaimed. "Yep," Yasmina said, sarcastically, "That's why she's the only one who gets to keep her phone. She's famous."

"Hold on," Kenji said," "Rich" he pointed to himself, "and famous," he gestured to Brooklynn. "Oh meant to be," he finished, taking Brooklynn's phone and taking a selfish making sure she was in the frame. Based on the look on Brooklynn's face, she was not happy with him touching her phone.

All of a sudden, the Jeep skidded to a halt and we all slammed into each other. I crashed into Darius and my head landed on his chest. I looked at him and quickly backed away, blushing. "Sorry," I said. "It's fine," he responded. I could have sworn he was blushing too.

"Um Dave, what's going on?" Ben asked. "It's fine," Dave said as he got out of the Jeep with Roxie, "But you all should definitely stay in your seats." Dave and Roxie turned on their stun rods and walked over towards the bushes. We all leaned over the side and watched very closely.

The bushes behind me started to rustle. Darius must have heard it to because we both slowly turned around. "Guys," We said. No one was paying attention. "GUYS," Darius said again. A green shape jump out of the bushes at Darius and we all screamed, Kenji being the loudest. I fell back and looked at Darius.

A Compsagthnathus was standing on his chest and we all stared at it in awe. The compy made a clicking noise before jumping out of the Jeep only be be captured by Roxie with a blanket. She put her in a cat carrier in the Jeep and climbed back into the driver's seat.

"Crisis averted," she said, "these little guys are always getting out of their enclosure." She chuckled.

"Wow," Darius said, "A real life Compsagthnathus." "Someone's been doing their homework," I said. Darius sheepishly smiled at me.

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