ch4: first full week of school: Monday

Start from the beginning

Once class was over he goes off to history, he's usually excited about history, but the teacher has a super dry teaching method, so he was going to ask someone to tutor him about it later. He sits in his chair and just drifts off again because even when he tried to listen he still couldn't follow along. He's tapped on the shoulder by someone, when he turns around he sees it's Diana. 

"You should really focus, this could be on our test this week." She whispers. 

"What's the point, if the teacher wants me to focus they should make this more interesting." He whispered back. 

"Well keep focus, it's best to still pay attention." She said back.

 Harry just turns back around feeling uninterested in what the teacher was saying. He goes off again just thinking about other things. 

History class ends and Harry goes to English, his least favorite class. He goes in and sees the teacher standing in the front of the class. Once everyone is in, she sits down on a stool. 

"Alright class, so this week we'll be doing a team project, each of you will be researching a historical figure and explaining what big impact they had on the world. I'll select names, the two that are said will pair up, ready? Carter Hall and Harleen Quinzel,  Garth Bernstein and Karen Beecher, Jessica Cruz and Harrison Wells." She said.

Harry heard what she said and out of nowhere Jessica was right next to him. He flinched a bit when she said hi. 

"Hey Harry, how's it going?" she asks.

"Do you always startle people like this?" He asks.

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm just excited to work on this project!" She says enthusiastically.

"Well I hate this subject, so I'm likely gonna be useless for this project." Harry says miserably. 

"Don't say that, come on, we can go to the library to pick our historical figure." She says.

"Okay but I'd like to do one that's unheard of, to be more original." He says.

"Alright, I love it! We can do something that not many people have heard of, and bring an awareness to it."  She says pulling Harry along with her.

Once they get to the library they start looking online and in books for a historical figure that's not well known. Harry keeps looking but doesn't seem to like any of them. 

"Uggh, nothing is good here, none of these people spark me as interesting." Harry complains. 

"Well what do have interest in?" Jessica asks. 

"Mostly science, I like comic books, but nothing in this library is really inspiring." Harry said.

"Hmm, we have until friday to complete this, why don't we meet up after school and think of something?" Jessica said. 

"Actually I have detention after school, could we meet at like 4:30?" Harry asked.

"Sure, your place or mine?" Jessica asks.

"I guess mine." Harry replied. 

"Okay see you then." Jessica says.

The bell rings and everyone heads to the cafeteria for lunch. Harry bolted because he knew the lines would be too long if he walked there. Once he got there he saw only a few people were in line, so he quickly grabs a tray and the lunch ladies put the food on it. Harry goes to an empty table and eats. While he eats, he listens to a podcast about the mythology of zombies. But that's interrupted when Leslie and her friends surround him.

"Oh, come on, Leslie please just go away." Harry says.

"You got me in detention nerd, you're gonna pay!" She says.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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