ch4: first full week of school: Monday

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Harry woke up at 6:30 in the morning to get ready for school. He went downstairs to make himself some breakfast. He opens his fridge and pulls out some leftovers, he had some pasta with a mix of rotisserie chicken. He puts it in the microwave for a minute and 30 seconds and eats. At around 7:00 he start getting ready for school, he packed his lunch, his school materials, and his super suit into his bag, and left a note before leaving the house.

 Harry decided to walk today because he was looking up facts while he was eating and found that you need a license to drive a motorcycle, he was lucky no one pulled him over. He thought that since he learned to drive one when he was a kid from his dad that he could just buy one and drive it. "I'll have to apply for one later." He thought to himself. He started walking in the direction of his school and he would be there in 30 minutes. On his way he saw a fight between the villain girls and hero girls taking place. Everyone cheered but Harry only saw a loop. He had be thrown into the trunk of the villains girls car before and the hero girls fought the villains them before. And now they're at it again. 

"I should find a way to make sure these villains don't keep coming back." He thought to himself.

Once he got to school he was met with a bumps from the jocks, he fell down and was helped up by Hal Jordan the most liked of the football team, as Harry heard. "Hey man you okay?" Hal asked. He helped Harry up. 

"Yeah I'm good, but tell your teammates to watch where they're going." Harry said with venom. "Sorry. They're just..well I don't know." Hal replied. 

"Oblivious, moronic, idiotic, any of those sound right?" Harry said with disdain.

 "Look I'm sorry man I don't know what to say." Hal said defensively.

 "No it's not your fault, I use to talk to people like this because they always kept screwing up, I still need to work on that, I'm sorry." Harry said back.

 "It's cool dude, what class do you have now?" Hal asked. 

"Calculus, why?" Harry asked. 

"Well I was thinking maybe we'd meet again in a class we both have." Hal said. 

"I have PE at fourth period, do you?" Harry asked.

 "Yes, so I'll see you there?" Hal asks. 

"You know it." Harry replies.

 He and Hal go there on ways, class doesn't start for another 30 minutes so Harry decides to sit in the cafeteria and watch a show on his phone, he goes to netflix and watches a true crime documentary. 

20 minutes had past and the story was getting good, until a girl with blue and black hair shaved on the sides grabbed his phone. "What'cha watching there buddy?"She asked.

 "None of your business, I remember you but never got you name, what is it?" Harry asked angrily. 

"It's Leslie Willis if you have to know, and what was yours?" She asked with a annoying grin.

 "Harry Wells, now give me back my phone!" He said grabbing his phone.

 Leslie held onto it and they fell to the floor fighting, everyone gathered and watched as they fought. Until Principal Chapin came in and saw. 


 They both go quiet and point at each other. "Fine, detention for both of you!"

 Everyone starts to leave, Harry picks up his phone and starts to walk out. Leslie makes a gesture pointing two fingers at her eyes and back at him. He goes off to Calculus and decides he needs to make himself a force to be reckoned with. Once he gets to calculus he sits at his desk and just thinks about unrelated stuff since he could pass this class without even listening. So he just drifts off and doesn't listen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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