Shades of Secrets

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"I mean, let me get this straight... You and Barry got married in freaking Las Vegas after you found out you were pregnant!?"

"If you say it like that, you make it sound like a shotgun wedding..."

"That's not what I meant, but it's absurd... your life can't possibly be that perfect..."

"My life is far from perfect..."

"Really? You are happy with the man you love, one of the best people in the world... you even have two wonderful children from what you told me..."

"It wasn't all that easy Patty..."

"Caitlin please... your life has been so easy compared to mine! I raised Alex alone, Lea's father was in the picture for 3 years before he left me for another and moved on with his life..."

"Alex?" Caitlin asked

"She is my first child...she is 22...I raised her alone all the time, just like I did with Lea..."

"22 years old... is she Barry's daughter?"

"No..." Patty whispered, unable to hide the anxiety in her voice "I got pregnant after I moved... a short relationship... a one night stand..." she added, not even looking up

"Look Patty, if..."

"I'm not lying, she's not Barry's daughter!" yelled Patty

"She's Zoom's daughter, isn't she?" asked Barry, opening the bathroom door


That word was the only thing that came out of Patty's mouth at that moment.

It was little more than a whisper but both Barry and Caitlin could hear perfectly.

"I've never told anyone about it..." she added, starting to cry, in the arms of Caitlin, who was right next to her, slowly dropping to the ground.

"How did you find out?"

"You said Zoom ruined your life...and when I told you who it was...I've never seen you so scared..."

"Was that just enough for you to figure it out?" Patty asked, crying in Caitlin's arms

"I was hoping I was wrong..."

"In what sense?" Caitlin asked

"Cait, the twins...they were painting this morning..."

"Yes... they had wanted to paint for a couple of days and I gave them the tempera paints we bought last week... why?"

"They were mixing some colors...because they didn't have the right shade..."


"What do you get Red and Electric Blue?"

"Barry, neither Alex nor Lea have ever been inside drawings with tempera, they preferred felt-tip pens... I'm rusty with colors!" said Patty

"Well the answer is purple"

"Purple? What the hell are you trying to say with all this color stuff!?" Patty asked

"Zoom's lightning was Electric Blue, negative Speedforce's lightning is red... mixing them together you get purple... The same purple as the mysterious speedster..."

"Barry, stop it... it can't be her!" yelled Patty, "She's not like him!"


"No Barry I refuse to believe such a thing! Then we saw that she was also kidnapped!"

Rebuilding a family (Snowbarry)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora