How do you know about her?

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Every fiber of Nora's body wanted to scream that sentence at her, but unexpectedly she didn't have the strength to do it

"Do you feel OK?"


"I don't know if you're hungry... but if you want you can come down and have lunch with us... after changing and removing some flour from your hair"

"Alright, Catlin... Although it would only spoil everyone's mood..."

"Honey, even though it's Christmas, that doesn't mean you have to do anything to hide the pain you feel! If you do you will end up being eaten from the inside out!"

"In that case... I would like to be alone for a while... and I won't come down for lunch... I would like to call someone and... if I can I would like to eat something later..."

"Okay, but don't starve! It's not good for you, especially considering you're a speedster."

"Speaking of powers... Do the twins have any?"

"They have the metagene and traces of speed force, but they haven't developed the powers yet, just like you did they will manifest after 5 or 6 years"

"So why didn't Bart ever develop them? Every day he emphasizes the fact that only I have them!" Nora said with a smile, before realizing that Bart wasn't going to bother her with that topic anymore

"Nora..." Caitlin said, noticing the tears forming in the girl's eyes "Do you want a hug?"

"Yes..." Nora said, starting to cry

As they hug, Nora's phone rang, indicating several missed calls and messages

"Who is?"

"It's g... a friend of mine...she lives in Central City, I told her I was in town and I would stop by her house...can you leave me alone? I'd like to call her"

"Of course Nora, if you need anything I'm downstairs"


"OH MY GOD! Nora, I'm so sorry!" said Lea, shocked at the news of Bart's death "Where are you? I'll come to you immediately!"

"Look it doesn't matter Lea..."

"Nora you lost your brother! I can't leave you alone right now!"

"Lea, I'm not alone right now, then I know you're here... for now though..."

"Nora, you can't..."

knock knock knock

"I have to go, Lea, I love you!" Nora said ending the call

"Who is?"

"It's me..." Barry said, opening the door slightly "May I come in?"

"Yes... it's your home after all..."

"But it's still your room," Caitlin said, standing in the doorway

"It hasn't been for a decade... I don't have many rights...."

"Don't say that Nora! You are my daughter and this was your room!"

"Did you keep Bart's room?"

"No... I couldn't have the guest room renovated in time for them to be born, so I had to..."

"Why that and not mine?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you give the twins Bart's room and not mine?"

"Nora... let's not talk about it now... Do you want to go downstairs? Caitlin is about to start making dinner, do you want anything in particular?"

"I do not know..."

"Nora, I really mean anything... we can even order something..."

"A pizza... please..."

"Sure honey... any preferences?"

"I would like a Margherita pizza... but I doubt that..."

"There's a real Italian restaurant 10 minutes from here..." Barry said, taking Nora's hand to help her up "...they're also a pizzeria, and they make some of the best pizza in town..."


"Shall we go downstairs?"

"Yes..." she said, starting to convince herself

5 minutes later Nora and Caitlin were setting the table together, the silence between them was deafening, Caitlin had tried several times to start a conversation, but each time the young girl had closed it after a few words

"Nora, darling..."

"Don't call me that, Caitlin!"

"Sorry Nora... Anyway..."

"Why do you insist so much on talking to me?"

"Why can't you go on like this... keeping everything inside..."

"Caitlin, I don't feel at home! Don't... When will my mother arrive?"

"Nora, your mother still hasn't returned our calls... I have no way to get in touch with her directly...

I asked Kara to try to reach her with some mutual acquaintance but she still failed... The room has not been booked by the committee, so Kara's friends have no idea...

Anyway don't worry, I'm sure we will succeed"

" I'm stuck here with you for Christmas!" Nora said furiously, as she grabbed the dishes from the cabinets

"Nora, it's December 22nd... if your mother doesn't arrive in time, by Christmas Eve we will no longer be complete strangers..."


"Anyway, if you don't feel like being alone with us, you can ask Lea to come here... maybe as early as tonight so at least you wouldn't be alone"

"What makes you think she would come here..."

"After everything that happened!? I'm sure your girlfriend won't think twice about coming here!"

Caitlin would have expected an answer or an awkward silence, considering the subject and their practically non-existent bond, but instead, all she heard was the crash of dishes shattering.

"Nora, are you okay?" Caitlin closed, concerned

"How do you know?" Nora asked

"Nora, I saw your look when you saw the missed call... when we knocked I heard how you were talking... then I..."

" do you know I'm lesbian?"

Rebuilding a family (Snowbarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora