Why did you do that?!

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However, as she was ready to rush into him, she found herself accelerating in a completely opposite direction, unable to react as the train was overturned.

After helplessly watching the metal crumble from the heat, she looked up to understand what had happened, and it was then that she saw her father who, with tears in his eyes, held her back to prevent her from running.

A few seconds later they were back in Nora's room, at the exact same moment they had left.

"What the hell have you done? Why did you stop me from saving him!"

"Do you know where your name comes from?" Barry said, not even turning to look at her

"What does it has to do with it? However, it comes from your mother..."

"Exactly, she was killed when I was 11 by the Reverse Flash..."

"So? Just because you didn't save her doesn't mean I shouldn't save my brother!"

"I saved my mother..."

"Then you are just a hypocrite!"

"Yes I am a hypocrite, but at the same time I prevented you from destroying your soul..."

"What do you mean?"

"I avoided what happened to me..."

"What happened to you?" Nora asked sarcastically

"By saving my mother, I created an alternate timeline called Flashpoint...

After 6 months of living there, the changes were too much, finally, the timeline was collapsing and I was forced to..."

"At what?"

"Begging the Reverse Flash to kill my mother! I couldn't let you find yourself making a choice like that!"

"It wasn't your decision! He was my brother!" yelled Nora unable to resist the anger

"He was also my son," Barry yelled, his voice even more angry

"You've had nothing to do with us for years! How bravely do you say such a thing!"

"I didn't choose it..." Barry whispered, leaving the room

"Nora..." Caitlin tried to say, approaching the girl

"Stay away from me Caitlin... Leave me alone..."

"Talk to me... You need it..."

"Why did he do it?"

"Your father spent years suffering from all the damage he did while traveling through time..."

"What would change if..."
"Nora, it's not that simple... it might not change anything, or it could be the end of the world..."
"Do not overdo it..."
"Nora, it really could happen if your brother's death was a fixed point in the timeline..."

"So I shouldn't do anything? Should I sit here doing nothing while you try to figure out if anything can be done?"

"Nora, there's nothing that can be done...I'm so sorry"

"But if I..."

"Nora, you won't be able to travel back in time again, the SpeedForce wouldn't let you, and they would send the Black Flash to hunt you down..." Caitlin said

"Please..." she said falling crying on the bed "Leave me alone"

"Okay," Caitlin said

Rebuilding a family (Snowbarry)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin