The biggest mistake of my life...

586 19 1

"Answer me, Caitlin! How do you know I'm a lesbian!?"

"What do you mean, Nora?"

"I've never come out publicly... not even in my family, and my mother doesn't even know it! Only Bart knew... and my girlfriend of course

But no one knew I was in a relationship! Even though we've been together for 2 years I've always kept it hidden! I even made up a boy to avoid mum having any suspicions..."

"Do you want the truth? I saw your phone in passing when you said that your "friend" Lea had called... it was not marked as Lea but as My ♥ ...

Then when I came to open the door I heard how you greeted her... it wasn't an "I love you" that two best friends exchange!"

"That's the only reason you understood it?"

"Maybe it has to do with the fact that I met her 7 months ago..."

"Wait, what?!"

"She works part-time in my lab as an intern..." Barry said, approaching his daughter "One day talking about this and that, Cait and I asked her if she had a boyfriend... she told me she had been engaged for over a year with a wonderful girl... The week after she showed us a picture of you..."

"Wow... this coincidence is exaggerated in every way!" said Nora

"Lea, more than amazed by the coincidence, was afraid that we would report her... She immediately explained herself by saying that you had been together since she was 17 and you were 15..."

"It's absurd..." Nora said, taking deep breaths, trying to hold back the tears

"What is this absurd?"

"That my family didn't know about it and you did!" she said bursting into tears "It's absurd that I've never been able to come out to my mother because she never makes me feel at ease... and you... I haven't spoken to you for 12 years and yet... not only do you know it and accept it but ... you even accept that I am dating Lea... and you even told me I could invite her for Christmas!"

"Nora..." Caitlin tried to say, approaching the girl

"That bitch... She lied to me all these years...she made me make the biggest mistake of my life!" cried Nora in tears, before running upstairs

"Nora... are you okay?" Caitlin asked, knocking on the locked bedroom door

"Go away!" Nora yelled tearfully through the door "You're not my mother! So you don't have to give a damn!"

"Nora, I know perfectly well that I'm not your mother, but that doesn't stop me from caring about you! Your father and I are worried... even the twins have understood that you are not well!"

"I'm not your daughter, think of her and leave me alone!"

"Nora, I'm not your mother, but I was once your godmother... your Aunt Caity... even if you don't love me as you did then, it has never changed for me! I care about you! I'm not your mother, I didn't even think that I would ever become your stepmother, I don't want to impose myself in any way, but we were friends once and I want to be here for you! Please open"

click click

The sound of the lock opening was more than enough to fill Caitlin's heart with joy and hope...hope that she might be able to help that little girl

"Nora, if you don't want to do this I won't make you, but what did you mean when you said that Iris led you to make the biggest mistake of your life?"

"I would like to answer... I just can't believe I have to do this... I never thought it was a lie..."


December 23, 2028

"Mom, why are we here and not at home?" Nora asked as she lay down on a motel bed

"Long story darling..."

"Where is dad?"

"He won't come... The truth is, he doesn't want to come here..."

"If I ask him, he will come! I'm sure!"

"Nora I'm so sorry... but he doesn't want to be with you and Bart..."

"It can not be true!" Nora cried

"I'm sorry honey, but that's how it is!"

"But now what will happen! I want to go back to him!"

"You can't, I'm sorry... Now listen carefully... Now you will stay with me, every time someone asks who you want to be with, you have to say that you want to be with me, only with me..."


"If you don't, you won't be able to be with me and since your father doesn't want you, you'll end up in an orphanage... Do you really want this to happen?"

"But... it can't be true!"

"I'm sorry Nora, that's how it is! You'll have to say that otherwise, you won't be able to stay with me anymore!"

end Flashback

Caitlin was stunned, she didn't know what to say... she expected Iris to have done everything and more to get sole custody of Nora, but this was way beyond what she had imagined.

"Nora, seriously did Iris make you think Barry didn't want you?"

"Yes... she always told me that he didn't want anything to do with me and Bart... that you he him were together and that's why he didn't want me anymore!"

"Nora, know that it's all a lie! Your father and I weren't together then... we got together 7 years ago... He never wanted to leave, you Nora"

"I wish I knew sooner..."

"It's not your fault... it doesn't matter what I thought of your father, you were just a child who was told a lie, you did nothing wrong"

"Yes instead... Iris told me that I should have repeated the speech I want to be with my mother in front of every social worker that the court has designated... it's only my fault that we're at this point!"

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!?" shouted Barry furiously from the entrance of the room

"Dad please... I..." Nora said, unable to hold back the tears "I'm sorry..."

"I'm not mad at you Nora... I'M FURIOUS WITH IRIS!"

"Barry, don't do anything rash..."

"You're kidding me, Caitlin! That woman ruined my life! She cheated on me, she used my friendship with you, passing it off as a relationship to make me lose all my friends and my father... then she literally brainwashed Nora into taking her away from me! THAT WOMAN IS DEAD!"

"Barry Allen, don't you dare even think of doing such a stupid thing!"

"She's not stupid! She ruined my life!"

"Barry, you have two 5-year-old children and Nora now knows the truth, you really can't throw it all away over this!"

"Then, I'll just make her regret it bitterly..."

"How do you think to do that? You don't even know where it is!"

"I know but... Kara just found her..." Barry said before running away

"Caitlin..." Nora said, tugging at her shirt sleeve "What did he mean when he said iris was cheating on him?"

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