Secrets from the past

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"Ok...Let's start from the beginning" Nora said, as soon as all three of them were sitting on the couch "How do you two know each other?"

"We used to work together..." Barry said, not too sure how much patty wanted to reveal

"Barry, if Nora and Lea have been together for 2 years, telling her is probably the best thing, I doubt it would change anything between them... and I doubt that keeping it a secret would be of any use"

"Maybe you're right, Patty"

"What do you mean?" Nora asked, not too sure what Patty meant

"Your father and I were together Nora... We met when I worked at CCPD, I was Joe's partner"

" did it end between you and my dad?"

"I moved to Midway to be a CSI and we broke up because he didn't want to admit he was The Flash... now why are you here? Did something happen to Lea?"


"How could you put her in danger!" Patty said, not even letting Barry finish

"It's only my fault Patty... an evil speedster wants to do everything to ruin my life... she killed my brother and kidnapped Lea... she almost killed me..." Nora said

"Why are you here and not out there looking for her?"

"If she is a speedster she can sense when we approach and she will have already prepared an escape route... we can't risk her feeling trapped and hurting your daughter"

"Nora, Barry, you can't be serious! You can't actually leave Lea in the hands of that monster!"

"Patty, I lost my brother to that speedster... I'm not letting anything happen to my girlfriend!"

"How can you promise such a thing!? What should I tell everyone else when they ask me about her?! Alex, she's going to want to know where her sister is and I can't lie when she can't get her on the phone for Christmas!"

"I can answer the call... I met Alex!" Nora said, trying to reassure Patty "I would tell her that at that moment she is playing hide and seek with the twins and it is her turn to hide and that she will call back"

"Alex is 23 years old, she will never believe it!"

"The twins are 5 years old... they love hide and seek, we could tell them that they have to look for her and they would tell Alex too..."

"How long do you want this lie to last!? You and your father on secrets are the same! Since you didn't even grow up with him it's bound to be genetic! You can't go on like this," Patty said, her voice full of anger

"Patty enough! It wasn't Nora's fault that..."

"It's nobody's fault... are you really sure of that? Or maybe the truth is that all of this revolves around you? Because every time I'm near you my life gets ruined forever!"

"What do you mean?"

"Mind your own business Barry, now go away and find a way to save my daughter!"

"Patty, we're not here for no real reason... at least we have a reason but I'm not sure how well you understand it, frankly we don't understand it either" Barry said, trying to calm Patty down "Nora spoke to the Speedforce... it's some kind of interdimensional sentient reality that is the source of energy for all speedsters... she said that we have to start the research from here"

"From here? Seriously? Barry, if you really want to start your search you should look in a place where you are sure to find at least one of the two and not only would Lea never come here on the same day as her father... but at the same time I know for sure that anyone be this wicked speedster, he..."

"She" Nora corrected "Speedforce said it's a woman..."

"Did he specifically say that?"

"Yes, when she restored my powers she made me realize that whoever the speedster is, her energy comes from the Negative SpeedForce...and that she is a woman a few years older than me"

"Okay, so you also know where to find her and who she is"

"No... Speedforce can't know that... "

"So this mysterious woman killed your brother and kidnapped my daughter, she almost killed you and instead of looking for her with all available resources you are here wasting your time?! Barry, I understand your daughter is not an expert speedster, but at least you should have better ideas! Or do you want me to believe that Iris as well as your children and all your savings has taken away your ability to be a hero!?"

"Don't mention that woman..." Nora said

"Sorry..." Patty said, noticing the venom in Nora's words "I didn't expect you to feel so much anger towards that woman..."

"She used me to get revenge on my father for some reason...she tricked me and...made me destroy my family...none of this would have happened if she hadn't..."

"Nora, calm down..." Barry said "Now we're here... don't worry..."

"Your father is right... now you should only worry about finding Lea"

"Why would you find my sister?" Alex asked, walking down the stairs

"Alex..." Patty tried to say, before being interrupted by Nora who ran towards Alex at super speed

"I should talk to you... let's go upstairs, alright?" Nora said, pulling her up the stairs

"Do you think she made the right choice?" Patty asked "Nora revealed your secret to Alex"

"All of our worst enemies knew about it... I would have been surprised if our mysterious speedster didn't know about it"



"Even Zoom?" she asked in a trembling voice


"What happened to him?"

"I traveled through time to create a time remnant that destroyed Zoom's plan by sacrificing himself while I fought him...Zoom was killed by the time wraiths I lured into our dimension..."

"Did you ever find out who it was?"

"His real name was Hunter Zolomon, but you sort of met was Jay"

"Jay Garrick!? Jay as the Speedster from the other earth!?" Patty said, starting to hyperventilate

"Are you okay Patty? I almost feel like I don't recognize you anymore... I know it's been many years since we last saw each other, but I didn't expect you to have changed so much... Zoom was dangerous, but it was nowhere near the other enemies we've faced... "

"I find it hard to believe that there is someone more terrible than him... He broke your back, he killed your father, and he... he ruined my life..."

"What happens?"

"It's about Alex..."

"She is exactly 23... right?"


Patty didn't even have time to respond that the whole house was shaken by an explosion of energy generated from the floor above, all Barry could distinguish with his speed was a trail of purple lightning descending the stairs

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