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"Excuse me, can you repeat your name, officer..."

"Listen, don't bother! That guy's wanted for child abduction."

"I think you're making a mistake kid"

"Who do you think you are?"

"I am David Singh, the Chief of Police... and I would like to know why you are here"

"Iris West called to say that Bartholomew Henry Allen, her ex-husband, kidnapped their children Nora and Bart and brought them here against their will"

"What did she say!?" yelled Barry unable to hold back his anger at what Iris had told the police

"Are you Mr. Allen?"

"My dear friend Barry Allen, yes it's him"

"Come with us..."

"My dear friend and colleague is not going anywhere," Singh said

"We have strong reasons to believe"

"You have no mandate and you have no motivation to enter here..."

"We have it all right... the complaint..."

"Iris filed a kidnapping complaint of two people who came here voluntarily, not only that, one of the people you are looking for here died 2 days ago in the train attack"


"Bart Allen is dead"


"She's here voluntarily, she's a Christmas guest at the Allen house with her girlfriend... it's not exactly a kidnapping"

"But Mr. Allen doesn't have custody"

"Nora is here voluntarily, above all she is not here with Mr. Allen, but with his girlfriend who is in danger of dying right now after being kidnapped by a metahuman"p


"Since you have no reason to arrest Mr. Allen, or even enter

"Sir, he has no right to be with Nora..."

"Excuse me agent, but do you actually have proof that Nora is in here right now?" Singh said firmly

"You said that..."

"I said Nora was here earlier with her girlfriend, but I didn't say she's here now... Do you have any reason to believe she's in here? And I mean a real reason, one that would hold up in a court of law."

"No..." said the police officer, after a few seconds of indecision

"Well... you will soon receive data on a missing girl, I suggest you think about finding her and not Nora West-Allen, do we understand each other?"


"Is this the way to answer to a superior?"

"Yes sir... No sir... can I go back to duty sir?"

"Get out of the way!"

"Thanks..." Nora said, as soon as the door was closed

"It was a pleasure! Now tell me what exactly happened"

"Okay Nora, now all we have to do is wait," Singh said, getting up from the couch and walking towards the door "I'll let you know when we know anything."

"But we can't just sit here doing nothing while she's gone!"

"Nora, we are not standing still doing nothing, we are just waiting to find out more information! Once we get the full picture, all we have to do is save her!" Barry said

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