He wasn't my son

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"What do you mean?"

"When Bart was little Caitlin did tests to check the status of his powers..."

"He had almost no trace of the speed force..." Caitlin continued

"I asked her to submit it to some tests... nothing came up..." she said sitting down "When I talked about it with Iris she finally confessed..."

"What did she confess?" Nora asked

"She had another... Bart was her son..."

"Is that why you broke up?"

"Not exactly...we separated for a few months...we got back together shortly after...

Then I found out she was still seeing that man... when I confronted her she decided to leave and take you away"

"Is it because he wasn't your son if you had no relationship with Bart?"

"Honestly, when I found out Iris said it wasn't a relationship, more like a one-night stand...I believed her and in the end, I didn't care...Bart had been my son up until then and I didn't care, it was with her that I was angry...

We were separated for several months then got back together.

When I found out the truth I was angry... I just knew I would never use this to get custody of you...

I couldn't use you as leverage to my advantage."

"Seriously? She cheated on you repeatedly, turned all your friends against you, and destroyed your reputation, and you never thought about..."

"Nora, she was still your mother..."

"Are you kidding me, dad? Seriously, you never did to her what she did to you because of me?"

"She was your mother, she was important to you..."

"You are important to me too! All these years she made me believe that..." Nora said, starting to cry "She wasn't a good mother to me... I would have much preferred that she had died and not Bart"

"Nora, don't say that" said Caitlin "She's still your mother"

"Caitlin, we've already established that you know more about me than she does! That woman does not deserve to be called a mother!"

"Nora, I think we should postpone the rest of the conversation for another moment..." Caitlin said sitting down on the edge of the bed next to Nora

"Cait is right...and maybe you should call Lea...I'm sure she'll enjoy being with you this Christmas..."

"Stop..." Nora said, crying again

"What's wrong?"

"Stop making me feel guilty for choosing to be with the wrong one..."

1 hour later

"Great, I can't wait for you to be here... I love you!" Nora said ending the call with Lea

"So, when will Leah arrive?" Caitlin asked, walking into the bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed next to Nora

"Tonight, after dinner... when I told her she could stay a couple of nights she panicked and decided to buy presents for everyone..."

"Well she's nice, she didn't have to, but I'm sure the twins will appreciate it"

"Caitlin..." Nora said after a few seconds of silence

"What's wrong?"

"I don't want to be alone..."

"You are not alone, we are here for you if needed"

"Caitlin, you don't understand... it's just that Iris has been lying to me for years! Before calling Lea, Iris texted me... she told me to go to a hotel, call the police to report you for kidnapping, and wait there until the ceremony is over and she comes to pick me up...

She didn't even ask me about him! She didn't ask me how I was or anything, she just told me to go to a hotel and wait for her damn prize!"


"Caitlin, I am alone! My brother is dead and Iris...she's not my mother anymore as far as I'm concerned!"

"Nora, don't talk like that... she's still your mother"

"Caitlin, your mother kept your father from you to protect you... Iris had no reason to! What would you do if Frost died and she didn't even bother to call?"


"What is going on?" Nora asked, hearing the change in tone of voice

"Frost died 7 years ago..."

"WHAT!?" Nora yelled shocked "It can't be true... her regeneration powers are stronger than dad's... Aunt Frost can't be dead..." Nora said starting to cry

"Come here..." Caitlin said hugging Nora

"How did it happen?"

"She used all her energy to save me and Barry... just that day she told me she was pregnant and convinced me to talk to your father about how I felt..."

"So you've been together since then?"

"Frost died the night of my first date with your father... Your father helped me not go crazy..."

"So it's thanks to her that you're together now?"

"Yes... this is also why Dawn's middle name is Frost..."

"Dawn Frost? Sounds strange..."

"I know... I thought about making it cuter by adding another name in between... I thought of Cassidy"

"Perhaps that would have been too much... however we can talk about it later..."

"Of course..."

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