one night

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I wiped the sweat on my forehead and dipped the mop into the bucket of water.

One more hour and you're done for today, Zeya.

I have been working for almost ten hours today, because his office had to be spotless. My boss Niccolò Damiano. He was the CEO of the biggest tech company in the country.

People usually described him as a genius.

I knew him as a very organized and neat man. He didn't like anyone snooping around and I've never heard him talk in two years of working here.

He was mostly in his office and i was the only one allowed here since I had to clean. Not even his assistant Finn was allowed inside.

But I never put my mind to it. I didn't care what he did, I was just here to work and earn money to help my mom with her heart condition. She got sick a years ago and since then i have been working nonstop. Everyday.

I had a different job for the weekend, but that one barely paid. Because I didn't even had high school, I was stuck working as a cleaner. I can't really complain though, I was working for a big company after all. And for the Niccolò Damiano who everyone was fascinated with.

He was ordinary man in his thirties. Thirty-two to be exact. He had short dark hair and strong futures. I have never noticed the color of his eyes since he has never looked at me. His head was always lowered to the papers or his computer.

No wonder why people called him a genius. He started his company on his own when he was just twenty-one. He came from middle class family with not much of a financial support for him to develop his dreams. But he somehow did it.

And how do I know all of that? Because my coworkers always like to gossip a lot and through them, I found out a lot of informations. Even some that I don't even want to know.

The door of the office opened wide and Mr. Damiano stepped in. His eyes were focused on his phone and he didn't said a word. Again, I didn't even know how his voice sounded.

I quickly placed the mop in the bucket and lifted it up and started walking outside. Like the clumsy person I am, I almost fell. But thankfully I didn't.

I made my way down the hall and turned around to the elevator. I went inside and pressed the button for the fourth floor where the staff kept their things.

Patently waiting for the elevator to arrive on my destination, I tapped my foot on the floor. My dark hair was tied in a high ponytail that was slowly falling apart and my light brown eyes were starting to close from exhaustion. It was probably 7pm and i was here from 6am.

A yaw escaped my lips and the door finally opened. I walked towards the staff room and went straight to my locker. My phone was inside and I immediately took it and checked for any type of messages from my mom. There was none, but there was few missed calls from Veronica, our neighbour.

Pressing on her name, I called her back. After few calls she picked up.

"Veronica? Is everything alright with mom?" I said as soon as she answered. She seemed to be in a rush and I heard hushed voices in the background.

"You're mom is in the hospital. But don't worry she's better now." My body stilled and I placed a hand on my forehead. I hurriedly changed my uniform and grabbed my bag. I opened the door and ran to the elevator. As soon as it opened, I spotted a person inside. It was Mr. Damiano.

I don't even care that he's here because I had to hurry up and get to my mom. He stayed still and didn't said a word and neither did I.

When the elevator's door opened, I basically ran to the entrance.

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now