Chapter 12

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I woke up the next morning when I could feel someone standing behind the couch I had apparently fallen asleep on— a third presence in the room that was definitely not Bowen, who I could see sprawled over the loveseat, his head lolled back. Cade's scent hit me a split second before I scrambled around to see over the back of the couch. In the blue-tinged morning light of the front room, he was standing just in the doorway with his head tilted slightly to one side. A navy suit, hair well-coiffed, his beard neatly trimmed. His jaw was tight, his body still. I caught a startled breath, willed my thudding heart to slow.

"What's this?" he asked. Bowen didn't stir.

"What's what?" I rasped back somewhat hoarsely, pulling myself into a sitting position, the blanket dragging down as I did.

He seemed unsure of what to say and also...somehow angry?

"Why aren't you in your bed?"

"Because I fell asleep here?"

Cade's jaw rippled. His intensity unsettled me. I felt like I had been caught sneaking in after curfew instead of falling asleep in the wrong room.

"Bowen," Cade said lowly, like a command. When Bowen didn't wake, he said again, louder, "Bowen."

Bowen startled, his head cracking up. His limbs flailed a bit to catch himself from how precariously he was draped over the too-small loveseat, and he planted his feet on the floor and stood up immediately, almost as if at attention.

"Hey, Boss," he panted. "Must have drifted off."

"Must have," Cade said too coolly. "Why is she on the couch?"

Bowen looked over at me as I looked up at Cade in exasperation. What was his deal?

"She fell asleep, I guess."

"She falls asleep on the couch, you take her to bed," Cade said. "She shouldn't be sleeping out here. And you shouldn't be sleeping at all. Anyone could've just walked in here."

"Sir," Bowen assented, nodding once.

Sir? Jesus Christ, the ego on this guy.

"I'm fine?" I interjected. "I literally just fell asleep on the couch. You can't actually expect him to just sit awake all night."

"I can and I do," Cade answered. "Why don't you make some coffee," he added to Bowen, who wordlessly walked around him to the kitchen.

"Who needs coffee when you can order people around to start your morning?" I snipped, swinging my legs to the floor carefully and stretching out some of the stiffness. Still a faint pounding in my head, a tightness in my limbs. But so, so much better.

Cade was at my side suddenly and scooping me up before I could say anything, three steps out of the room before I even registered it.

"What are you doing?!" I demanded, squirming.

"Stop that," he said, his eyes straight ahead as he took me into my room.

"Put me down, the fuck is wrong with you?"

He leaned down to deposit me on the bed.

"This," he said, "is where you sleep. Here in this room."

I blinked up at him incredulously.

"You're not my dad. And I don't work for you."

Behind Cade, a slight knock on the door and Irene came in.

"Good morning!" she said cheerfully, intentionally, clearly aware of what was transpiring.

"I need to check in with my patient." She brushed past Cade and came to stand by me. "You'll need to wait outside."

Red in the BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora