Nineteen: Secrets

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I missed my time with Ella.

With everything going on, I had forgotten to go and visit her. Usually at least every couple of weeks I pick her up and spend the day with her. I'd take her to get ice cream then to the bookstore and pick out a book she'd like. She loves to read or well being read too. Sometimes I'd bring Nico with me, she loves him.

We spent today watching movies once I got her back from Es and Viv as much as I don't like her I'm not going to fight with her in front of Ella. Plus whenever I'm with her Ella gets what she wants as long as it's within reason. Which is why I'm certainly making ice cream for us. She was very precise about what she wanted, chocolate Ice cream with chocolate syrup and whipped cream. When I went to grab the whipped cream, all the memories of me and Az from before I left came flooding back.

I wish he was here right now but shortly after Tasha left he got a call from my father about wanting to meet. It worried me because he wasn't hesitant to leave or put up a fight about leaving, he just took Zion and left after saying bye. But I'm trying not to think too much about it.

Just as I'm about to finish the ice cream Kamryn walks into the kitchen. I haven't had a chance to talk to her since we got here, I know she's probably stressed out and now worried with everything going on. After Ella leaves Es, Azreal, and I need to sit down and finally make this alliance official. It's not a secret that we're all friends but in the mafia world, you need official alliances for anything to mean shit.

But that's for another time, right now I have to get Ella so she can eat this ice cream before it melts. Head upstairs I go to the guest room the Es is staying in. Just as I open the door I'm hit with a pillow to the face.


I see Ella hiding behind Es, "Sorry Aya," I could never say mad at her sweet face.

"It's okay, now come on I made you ice cream."

"ICE CREAM!" Ella takes off heading to the kitchen. I and Es just look at each other and bust out laughing. We both walk downstairs to head to the kitchen but just as I reach the last step my phone starts ringing and I see Adonis's name pop up. He is one of my core 6 men. I left him in charge of the investigation about that sex trafficking warehouse.

After telling Es I have to take the phone call I head to my office. And answer it.

"Hello, Adonis?"

"Hey Amaya, some more information on that sex trafficking warehouse came up and before you ask no ma'am, I haven't told anyone else about this. I have the information in a file and Nicolo is on his way to drop it off."

"Good. Keep it that way, I only want the core six me and Esmeray knowing."

"Uhm Amaya? What about Mr.Jackson?"

"I have not told my fiancé yet so-"

"Haven't told me what?" I snap around seeing
Azreal standing by the door in my office. He was looking me straight in the eyes, I could tell he was upset. I could see the glint of anger in his eyes.


Keeping eye contact with Azreal I cleared my throat and said "Adonis, I will take care of it please tell Nicolo thank you for bringing the file but I would like them brought to my facility and to leave them with Liza." After that, I hung up the phone.

"So Amaya, what haven't you told me?"I hate the tone in his voice, maybe because I am guilty of keeping things, Important things for selfish reasons.

Let's see what have I been keeping: the fact that all the attacks on us are because of me, that I might have a mole, that I'm second guessing if I can handle being a leader, is what I want to tell him but I don't.

I know I should but I'm not readying to admit those things out loud because the second I do they'll be true, they won't just be thoughts.

Instead of answering I go to walk out of the room but he grabs my arm before I could make it to the door. "Amaya, tell me what you hiding. Don't just walk away from me." Now he wasn't even asking he was demanding. I snatched my arm out of his grip.

I snatched my arm out of his grip. "Kuso~tsu, kusona koto o iu hitsuyō wanai." With that, I walked out of my office slamming the door behind me. I stopped to take a deep breath before I headed towards the kitchen, deciding the rest of the day was to go be spent with Ella. [Fuck you. I don't have to tell you shit.]


The rest of the day I stayed with Ella in Esmeray's guest room, we watched almost all the Disney movies before she fell asleep. I left her in Es's room while I went and cleaned up from the day. Yes, we had housekeepers but it's just snobbish to leave the house a reck when you can pick it up yourself. After picking up I went and checked on Ella, peaking through the door I see her and Es cuddling in the middle of the bed while Viv was pushed to the edge of the bed.

I haven't talked to Azreal since our argument earlier, I know he is around here somewhere because Zion is still here and so is his cars and bikes. I have no reason to be upset with him, he hasn't done anything wrong. I just wish I could tell him what is going through my mind without actually having to say the words.

Walking into our room I see him asleep on the couch by our bookshelves. I pull our blanket off the bed and drape it over him. After I change and do my nighttime routine I kiss Az on the forehead and leave the room. It doesn't feel right sleeping in the bed without him. Walking down the hall I slip into my old room, we decided to just move my clothes and books to his room and to just leave the rest here not that it was much. Which is just a few guns and knives.

I almost couldn't fall asleep until my body finally gave out to exhaustion. Chasing around a 4-year-old takes a lot of energy.

Authors Note:

What are y'all thoughts on this chapter?

Any predictions for the next chapter?

Word count: 1145



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