*Eight: New Car

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Make sure y'all got both hands on y'all's phones👀

Make sure y'all got both hands on y'all's phones👀

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After I left the facility I made a stop at my parent's house since I knew my mother wasn't home, I took the chance to head out to the gazebo and have some alone time to think. I rode around on my bike until now I find myself at home.

The guards open the gate for me recognizing my bike. I park it in front of the house, I only plan on staying for a short time. I only came home to see what Azreal wanted to show me.

When I walked through the front door as I take off my shoes Nico comes running to me. He really is a momma's boy. I hear Azreal in the living room so with Nico close behind me I walk to the living room. When I walk in Azreal is on the phone with someone.

He puts one finger telling me to wait for a second. He takes the phone call out of the room. I take a seat on the couch and Nico cuddles up to me. After a few minutes, Azreal walks back in.

"I'm sorry, people just can't do shit right the first time."

"I understand, no need to apologize."

"What took you so long? You said 20 minutes it's been an hour," he asks his face starts to frown but it quickly goes back to being stoic.

"Some stuff happened at my facility, started to stress me out so I stopped at my parent's house," I answer leaving the part about the gazebo, the only person who knows I still go there is Esmeray and I'd like to keep it that way. Well for now at least.

"Okay, you ready to see what I have to show you?" There's a slight smile on his face. I wonder what it is he has to show me.

"Yes," I say with a little laugh.

"But first-" he takes the tie from his neck and walks around behind me.

"What are you doing?" I say turning sound to see him.

"Just trust me. You do trust me right?"

"I shouldn't. But yes I trust you." I turn back around.

"At least you are aware." He says as he blindfolds me with his tie.

He takes my hand and slowly guides me to what I think is the garage.

"Watch your step." He says as he leads me down two steps. Oh, we are for sure in the garage. It's the only place in the house where there are only two steps.

He leads me down the garage until we're towards the end of the garage. He lets go of my hand and walks up behind me. I feel his hard rigid body come to flush up against my back.

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