Spy-Mantic ♡ Chapter Four

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"Yea, I'm fine." I replied, "What was that?"

"I don't really know." Right after Will finished, a red light began to flicker throughout the Agency, and a loud, piercing noise filled the air. I looked at Will and his alarmed face, looking for an explanation.

"The agency! It's under attack!" Will yelled, jumping up and grabbing his phone.

"Come on, we have to leave!" Will said, grabbing my hand and racing out the double doors.

Will was running extremely fast, and on the way to wherever we were going, another loud noise and large rumble happened.

People were running around, panicking as they didn't know what to do. According to Will, this has never happened. Nobody has ever dared to attack this Agency, even if they found out where it was, but suddenly someone has, and I think I have a pretty good idea on who it is.

After about 5 minute of running through just about everything, we reached a 'secret' garage. There, Agent Wisp was waiting in a Black Suburban for us. Will opened the car doors, and threw me inside, quickly following, and slamming the door shut, sending the car up out of another secret whole. As soon as we reached the surface, Agent Wisp took off.

"What was that?" Will asked, not sounding very happy.

"An attack." She briefly replied.

"I already knew that, I mean, who attacked us?" Will rolled his eyes at her reply.

"Who do you think?" She asked, showing us that it was an obvious answer.

"I don't k-" Will's face turned to a face of disgust once he figured it out, "Kenny." Agent Wisp nodded in approval.

My thoughts were correct!

"He sent us a video saying that if Will didn't give up, and if we don't give him Ella, he would destroy our agency." She explained.

Oh no! If they don't give me to him, everyone else will suffer! I can't have that on my conscience. And judging by Will's constant glare in my direction, he didn't want it to happen at all. What happened to the tease Will? I mean, I hate the tease Will, but I like him better than the jerk Will.

"What are you doing!?" I shouted, really not meaning too, but it just kind of came out.

"What?" Agent Wisp looked confused, but Will looked alarmed once again.

"Why are you helping me run away, when you should be handing me over to Kenny!?" I looked her in the eyes through her mirror.

"Well, I'm actually sending you on a mission." She said, as she turned onto a street that said 'Airport Path' on a sign above it.

"A- a mission?" I asked.

"Her?" Will asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Yes. We need you to lead Kenny to us." She said.

"B-but Kenny was just at your agency.." I pointed out.

"Well, a couple of his guards were. We know that Kenny is getting ready to go to Europe to take over the throne, so we're sending you and Will to Europe, to follow Kenny and stop him." She explained.

"What!?" I yelled.

"What!?" Will yelled right after me, the same exact way.

First of all, I'm so not the agent type. I'm a mess! And second of all, their trusting me to stop Kenny!? That's like, also putting the lives and the future of Europe in my hands! Well, and Will's... But he's not the subject!

"Are you serious!?" Will asked, not looking happy, "You're trusting that with this mission? This is important! And it's also MINE. I don't want to share this with her. She'll just get in the way and mess everything up."

Spy-Mantic *Completed* [Wattys2015]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin