~ Sixteen ~

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Chase's POV:

After Dale and I talked about me pulling myself together, the two of us sat out at the small family cemetery, me talking about things mama had done over the years and him doing the same about dad. Oddly enough, talking about mama didnt hurt as much as I had thought that it would. Since the funeral, anytime she had been brought up in conversation, I was either quick to change the subject or leave the room all together. I found that talking about her and telling Dale about the time that she had caught Casey, Chad, and I in the barn shooting shots of Daniel's black velvet was healing in a way. It showed me that I could remember the good times and be happy that I had those moments and still feel all the emotions that I was feeling. It showed me that I didn't have to let the hurt and anger that I was feeling over losing her control me and change me in ways that weren't for the better.

"You want to stay for a while. I'm sure Callie and Austin would love for you to stay for dinner." I said as Dale and I made it back to the house. Dale leaned against the hood of his truck and looked up at the house before looking at me.

"You know I would love to but I need to get back to the house. This pregnancy is kicking Amy's ass. Morning sickness that seems to last all day has set it and she struggles to keep anything down." said Dale, concern written all over his face for his wife. Hearing him say that he had left his sick wife to come check on me made me feel like shit.

"Shit, I remember when Callie was dealing with that. It wasn't pretty." I said, sympathy filling my voice.

"Yeah, who knew that someone who eats so little could throw up so many times in one day?" said Dale as he swung the door of his truck open and climbed inside. Just before she shut the door and started the engine, he added "Just remember what I said. Writing has always been a release for you. Use that talent that you have and get your feelings out. No one is saying that you have to pretend that none of this happened. We just want you to know that you can move on with your life and still feel sad about the shit that's happened in the past few weeks. Lord knows you have been through the wringer."

"I would say what else could happen but if the past few weeks are any indication..." I said, letting my sentence trail off, not finishing the thought.

"It's been a rough few weeks for sure," said Dale. "But some good did come out of it. You got me as a brother." He smiled on that last part.

"Not so sure that's a good thing." I replied, a smile tugging at my lips for the first time in over a week.

"It's a damned blessing and you know it."

"Keep telling yourself that." I said. "Now, go home and make sure Amy is fine before I tell Callie and she comes out here and kicks your ass."

"Don't tell her I said this, but she scares me." said Dale, giving a mock shiver as the smile on his face grew bigger. "Her dad being a SEAL combined with that red-headed temper..."

"Pretty sure it's in my vows somewhere that I have to tell her whatever my brothers say about her. Most likely in the fine print or something."

"Yeah, right under the part that says that I would sell my brother's soul to the devil and maybe even sacrifice his first born just to keep my wife from kicking my ass." Joked Dale.

"So you read the fine print?"

"Pfft, obviously," he said.

"Get out of here." I said walking towards the house, feeling like a weight had been at least lightened off of my shoulders. I wouldn't say it was gone because the bone-deep sorrow I felt earlier was still there but there was something about joking with Dale that made it feel less consuming.

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