~ Eighteen ~

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Callie's POV:

"You know your mama had to be the reason that you were able to make it here in time." I said as Ainsley nursed from my breast, Chase sitting on the bed beside me. Just as I had said I would, I refused to push until Chase got to the hospital. Luckily, he had literally burst through the door in a full on run at the same time as the doctor had been telling me that I could no longer hold out.

"I just wish she was here." I could hear the sadness in his voice and it broke my heart. I wished more than anything that she was here. Not just because I wanted her to meet her granddaughter but because I knew that Chase would be the proudest girl dad to ever walk the earth. Well, aside from my dad who had taken me onto base after my birth and introduced me to literally everyone.

"I do too. But you know just as well as I do that she is looking down over us. Even though we cant see her, there is no doubt in my mind that she isn't here." No sooner than I had uttered the words, the tv that was playing softly in the background changed channel, going from reruns of Saved by the Bell to a cooking show that Connie used to love to watch. As far as signs from heaven went, this one left no chance that it could be misunderstood.

Instead of responding, Chase simply placed a kiss against my temple before placing his hand atop his daughter's head and stroking the mess of blonde hair. "Did you decide on a middle name?" he asked after a few moments, settling back onto the bed and tucking me into his side as he asked.

"Well, I'm thinking Ainsley should be her middle name."

"But I thought you wanted that for a first." he asked, confused.

"I did, but the last few months have made me do some thinking." I said, turning to look into his gray eyes. "I know that you didn't get to meet any of your father's side of the family and I know how much of a void that has left in you. So, I was thinking that we name this sweet girl Martha after your grandmother."

"Callie I–"

"If you don't like it, we can decide on something else. I just figured that it would give you the connection you needed to the Earnhardt's without having to legally change your name or that of the kids." I said, cutting him off, scared that I may have overstepped some kind of boundary. Truth was, I had really grown to love the name because of its old-schoolness. Plus it would make our daughter truly part of the Earnhardt family history. I didn't know what I would do if Chase didn't like my idea.

"I love it." said Chase, his voice cracking, his hand cupping my cheek forcing me to once more look into his eyes. "Martha Ainsley Rice." he added, his voice having that floaty tone to it that spoke of the love that he already had for our baby girl and the meaning behind the name that she would have for the rest of her life.

Knowing how much the name meant to Chase and seeing him tear up over it only made me tear up. Turning my head slightly, I placed my lips over his in a soft kiss, pouring every ounce of love that I felt in that moment into it before pulling away, my gaze returning to the little bundle of joy wrapped in her blanket and nursing. Chase's arm that was draped over my shoulders held me tighter as she rested his head against mine, content in the moment.

I don't know how long the two of us sat there in silence just looking at the beautiful little nagel that we had created but after a few moments, there was a knock on the door just before it swung open. Austin came bounding into the room, leading a flow of Earnhardt's into the room behind him. My sweet baby boy ran for the bed and hopped up anxious to meet his newborn sister and it made me feel even more thankful to have this moment to store in my memory bank. As inconspicuously as I could, unlatched Ainsley and covered my bare chest, only giving the men in the room a slight flash, something that they all chose to wisely ignore.

"Sorry to just barge in," said Amy, settling down onto the foot of the bed, craning her neck to try and get a peek at Ainsley. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure." I smiled before passing Ainsley off to her.

As soon as Amy had Ainsley in her arms, Dale stepped next to her, bending to look down at his newest niece.

"She has the Earnhardt nose." he said softly, placing one of his hands gently on her head, stroking her hair.

"She also has an Earnhadrt name." said Chase, causing Dale to whip his head up and look at my husband curiously.

Unable to keep the secret of her full name, I looked at all the faces in the room, all of them looking at Chase and I curiously, and spoke. "It's our pleasure to introduce you all to your newest niece, Marth Ainsley Rice, born October 13, 2023 and weighing in at nine pounds thirteen ounces, and twenty-found inches long."

Silence filled the room as everyone soaked in the significance of her name. Amy teared up, as did Dale, Kerry, Kelley, and Taylor. But it was Amy that was the first to speak, her eyes locked on my husband sitting beside me with Austin in his lap before turning to me. "Before you went into labor, I told you that we had found out the sex of the babies and that all three were the same sex. Dale and I wanted to do a whole reveal thing but I can't think of a better time than now to tell everyone. I mean, my whole family is in this room so it's only fitting that I tell yall now." she said, passing Aisley off to me as she stood from the bed. I watched as she dug around in her purse before dragging out a strip of ultrasound photos, clutching them in her hands. "I hope you all are ready because I'm going to have my hands full raising three Earnhardt boys."

Stunned silence filled the room as everyone wrapped their minds around what Amy had just told us. Then, the room burst into a fit of noise, everyone congratulating Amy and Dale on the news before Kerry and Chase of course had to start joking on Dale in the way that brothers did, ribbing Dale about how they both thought that he was only capable of making little girls.

"That's not all though." said Amy when everyone finally quieted down. "We have their names picked out too."

"Well, don't keep us waiting." I said, tears pooling in my eyes.

"Dale and I can't wait for you all to meet Ralph Dale Earnhardt III –Trey for short–, Brenden Cade Earnhardt, and last but not least, Connor Chase Earnhardt. The first name is obvious but Brendon is of course named after Brenda, Ralph and Kelley's mom where Connor Chase is our little way of blending our newfound family; Connor for Connie and Chase for the brother that Ralph and I never knew that we needed. The last few months have been crazy but I wouldn't trade any of those moments if it meant that I wouldn't have you all in our lives." said Amy, looking around the room as she spoke.

In a flash, Chase stood from the bed and engulfed Dale in a hug –complete with the back-slapping thing that guys did and tears even though they both tried to hide the fact that they were crying– that had tears spilling down my cheeks.

"Dale I–" started Chase, but his words seemed to become stuck in his throat.

"We had no idea that you were going to name your little bundle of joy after mamaw but Amy and I talked about it and wanted to make sure that one of our boys honored the connection that we have with your family now. You know that I have adored you mama since the moment I met her but it just seemed fitting to honor her memory by naming a son after her. Giving him your name is just our way of officially making you part of the Earnhardt clan." Explained Dale.

"I- I don't know what to say." said Chase, settling back down onto the bed beside me.

"Nothing to say, brother." said Dale.

Conversations continued around me but I wasn't paying them any mind. I looked down at my baby girl at the same time as Chase pulled me into his side and Austin snuggled into my other. My heart felt like it was about to burst with joy and love for everyone in this room. It's crazy to think that just a few short months ago, everyone's life in this room changed and all because of Chase's curiosity over his family history. There have been some really good times and some tragically bad ones but through it all, we have all been there for one another just like family is supposed to be. I didn't know where life would lead us and I was perfectly fine with that as long as I had my tribe. And what a tribe they are.

The Family SecretOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora