~ Three ~

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Chase's POV:

"If you're going to North Carolina, then so are we." said an angry Callie as she stood by the closet door and watched as I haphazardly tossed things into one of the bags I used when on the road.

"The conversation that I need to have with mom is one that she and I need to have alone, Cal." I said, trying and failing to not take my anger out on her. She didn't deserve any of it but damned if I wasn't taking it out on her. Knowing that I was only added to the riot of emotions that I was feeling, making me feel like a world-class asshole.

"Chase Daniel, I think you are forgetting your vows." she said, her voice low and her tone calm. I knew it was a warning, that I shouldn't push her, but stupid me and my emotions just didn't know when to leave well enough alone. Well that and the half a fifth I'd polished off less that 30 minutes ago, after getting off the phone with Dale.

"Callie Grace," I said, before she continued. "I said I don't want you there. I don't know how to put it any simpler than that. I don't want you to see or hear this conversation that needs to be had and I damn sure don't want Austin to see it. As far as my vows, I remember them. I remember them saying that you would love and obey me. So obey me and stay your ass here. I need to do this on my own."

I saw the hurt flash across her face –one more making me feel like a major asshole– a split second before it morphed into rage. The look that she leveled on me was enough to make my balls shrivel but the alcohol flowing through my system stupidly made me smile at her, challenging her. Lord knows I deserved whatever she threw at me and then some for taking all this out on her.

"I know you're hurting Chase. Anyone in this situation would be. But that doesn't give you the right to take your emotions out on me. It doesn't give you the right to treat Austin and I as if we are to blame for this whole mess." she said, her voice still holding that calm tone that was a clear warming of the temper that was raging just beneath the surface. I'd been on the receiving end of that trademark red-headed temper of hers more times that I could count. I knew the only reason she wasn't chewing me up and spitting me out right now is because of the situation and because she wanted to keep her blood pressure in check because of the baby.

I watched as she stepped closer into the closest but not into me like she normally would. Her green eyes locked with my gray ones before she spoke. "Austin and I are the only things in your life right now that aren't going to change no matter what a DNA test shows. But to be really honest with you, just because you found out this gigantic secret doesn't mean that anything has to change either. Daniel raised you as his son. Chad and Casey are your brothers. The only difference here is that you are adding in someone that is already your best friend."

"Are you forgetting Dale has brothers and sisters too from Sr?" I said through clenched teeth, trying to reign in my emotions.

"No. I just didn't want to point out that your family just grew tremendously. You know the others by association. Jr is your best friend and has been for years. Wrap your head around that before you start thinking about all the others that are added." she said.

This time, when she stepped closer to me, her hand landed on my arm. That simple touch made me want to break down and that was the last thing I wanted to do. Because I didn't want to start crying like a baby, I brushed her hand from my arm, yet again seeing the pain I was causing her. But again, I couldn't bring myself to apologize for it.

"I'm going to North Carolina. I already called Tyler to carry me to the airport." I said, grabbing my bag and skirting past her, referring to my life-long friend Tyler Hubbard.

I was just about to pass through the closest door when my common sense finally kicked it and told me to go back. I gave her a brief kiss and placed my hands on her belly. "I don't know the words to say right now other than I love you and I will see you and Austin when I get back."

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