~ Nine ~

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Callie's POV:

Since Austin was taking a nap, I took the chance to catch up on the dishes from lunch, using the time to give myself time to think about the last few days. Given Chase's career and the two of us agreeing to give Austin the best childhood we could around his touring schedule, I was no stranger to the two of us spending time apart. But his time away this time was different in more ways than one. In the past, he had kissed me a million times before climbing onto his bus, often turning around countless times as he had walked away. He would call me telling me he missed me as soon as the bus's doors closed. He would call me countless times while traveling to whatever venue. So his time at his mom's and the little communication that we did had hit different. It hit me in the heart and made it ache.

Part of me wanted to be mad at him for his actions but the other part of me knew that given the circumstances he was handling things the best way he could. No, it didn't mean that his walking away from Austin and I like he did was okay by any means but I also understand why he did it. He'd had a million and one thoughts running through his mind at the time and instead of processing them, he shut down.

I was in the middle of loading the dishwasher when I heard the front door slam. Blame it on instinct or my raising –I am the daughter of a former Navy SEAL after all– but I instantly reached into the cookie jar on the counter that doubled as safe for what I termed the kitchen gun. I knew eventually I would have to have another way to store the gun and keep it away from Austin but for now, the cookie jar worked perfectly. Then again, if my daddy had anything to do with it, Austin would be able to shoot straight before he even learned how to ride a bike. He would know that guns were toys and that they were not to be messed with when there was no adult supervision. Maybe my viewpoints made me a bad parent but I was a firm believer that if a child is familiar with a gun and knows gun safety and to respect them that they were better off than those that were never exposed.

Holding the gun like dad had trained me to do – both hands on the pistol, barrel pointed down, gun held close to my chest, finger resting on the trigger guard– I eased my way quietly towards the large opening that led to the living room, listening carefully for any sounds that would tell me which way the intruder was going inside the house. I heard the heavy footfalls on the hardwoods grow louder with each step in my direction. Flattening my back against the wall, I waited for the intruder to make their way into the kitchen, my heart racing with each passing second. Sure, I was worried about my son and this intruder getting the best of me but that didn't mean that I was going to let those fears keep me from doing what I was trained to do.

As soon as I saw the first booted foot walk into the kitchen, I stepped away from the wall, drawing the pistol, aiming center mass. It was only when my brain caught up to who was standing in front of me that I lowered it and emptied the chamber into my hand. The breath I hadn't realized that I'd been holding came out in a woosh.

"I figured you were pissed but I didn't think you were that pissed." said Chase, the smile on his face hiding the fact that he had just come as close as he'd ever had to being shot.

After carefully placing the pistol down onto the counter, I ran into his arms, loving the feeling of his strong arms around me and the smell of his cologne wafting in the air around us. Tears sprang to my eyes over how happy I was to see him.

Chase held me for what seemed like forever before pulling back, his big hands cupping my cheeks and wiping away the tears that had been streaming down them. "I missed you, babygirl."

"I missed you too, lover boy." I replied, using the nicknames that we had been using for one another since we first started dating. "Doesn't mean that I'm not still pissed at you though."

"I know. And I fully intend to show you how sorry I am for that." Said Chase. "But first, I want to see Austin, I want to talk to Ainsley, and then, I'm going to call in a favor and get a babysitter for the night."

"Got big plans huh?" I said, teasingly.

"Babygirl, I have plenty to make up for and I don't need any distractions."

Chase's words held the promise of sweaty, sheet-ripping, bed-frame-breaking, dirty sex and I was here for it. I could take my anger out on him in the bedroom by teasing him until he begged for me to let him cum. Then he could reward me for being the best wife ever by making sure that I had as many orgasms as humanly possible in the hours that we had. I mean it was the least he could do...

"Well, Austin is napping and Ainsley ain't tap dancing on my bladder for once. I think we have enough time for you to make a quick apology." I said.

A squeal left my lips as Chase moved lightning fast, lifting me onto the counter. His palms splayed across the marble top, his arms caging me in as he leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine. My heart raced as my core clenched in anticipation, ready and waiting for him to give me what I wanted. When he spoke, his voice had dropped an octave, sounding more gravelly and even hotter than his usual speaking voice. It dripped with sex and the promise of all the naughty things that he could and would do to me.

"What did you have in mind, wife."

"Well, since you asked..." I said, letting my sentence dangle as I shifted on the counter top, pulling the dress I was wearing from under me and over my head, leaving me completely nude. The growl that came from him when his eyes raked my naked body made my already dripping core clench again, the damp folds becoming soaked in an instant.

The hands on the counter shoved my legs wider, giving him full access to my bare pussy. Chase's head dove between my thighs as he sank to his knees, his lips landing on the tattooed copy of his kiss that only he, my gynecologist, and the girl I paid to wax me knew was there. When he leaned back I watched as he licked his lips, his teeth sinking into his plump bottom lip before he dove back in. His tongue ran a long, slow swipe from my opening to my clit and back again, making my head fall back on my shoulders and my pussy to throb with need. Knowing what I needed, Chase slipped two long fingers into my channel, hooking them in a come hither motion, the tips rubbing across that spot deep inside. Slowly, he rubbed his fingers over the spot repeatedly, each stroke bringing me closer and closer to the edge. His tongue lashed out over my clit in fast motions, causing the tight bundle of nerves to harden and my fingers to grip the edge of the counter to hold on. My hips bucked, wanting more –needing more– but still, Chase leisurely licked me as he slowly drove his fingers in and out of my pussy.

My orgasm sprang to life in an instance, making stars appear before my eyes and my hold on the counter to slip. My back landed on the marble countertop with a thud that I was too occupied to care about. All that mattered was Chase's fingers in my clenching pussy and his mouth on my clit, sucking the tight little bundle of nerves until I was screaming his name, begging him to stop one breath before begging him to never stop the next.

Chase kept up the slow rhythm until he had wrung another orgasm from my body.

I was still quaking from the effects of both orgasms when Chase stood to his full height, his body looming over mine. His lips slammed over mine and I felt the evidence of his arousal in the place that craved him the most. Hooking my ankles around his waist, I pulled him closer as fingers tangled in his hair, tugging like I knew he liked.

"That's just a taste of what's to come tonight babygirl. I have plenty to make up for." he said, breaking the kiss.

His fingers laced with mine and pulled me into a sitting position before his hands landed on my belly. As if Ainsley knew his touch, I felt her move, a foot kicking against his hand. He lowered her head to my belly, his stubbled cheek pressed against my skin. "Just a heads up little one, things are probably going to get a little cramped in there tonight. Daddy is home and has some making up to do to mama." As if she understood what he said, I felt her kick again and I couldnt help but laugh.

"Do you think that was an 'okay' or that she's pissed about you invading her space later?" I asked, joy filling my system thanks to the two orgasms and the simple fact that Chase was home.

"Don't know," he said, standing to his full height once more. "I don't mean to sound like an ass when I say this but its not like she has much say in the matter so..."

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