~ Eleven ~

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Callie's POV:

"I look like I'm wearing a freaking table cloth. And not the vintage kind that people are making all these cute dresses out of either. I'm talking about the kind that are just plain hideous and do nothing for your figure. Makes me look like I have a freaking tent on." I said in disgust as I looked at myself in the mirror of Chase's bus.

The dress in question was as cute as could be and something that I typically went for; especially when the light green of it went well with my eyes and made them pop. But the off the shoulder look was doing nothing for my breasts that had seemed to go up a cup size overnight nor did it do anything for the belly that had seemed to grow considerably more within the past couple of days. All in all, I felt like a cow. A big, glowing-with-pregnancy-hormones cow... Damned hormones...

"Well I think you look gorgeous." said Chase, coming up from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. His hands splayed over my belly and rubbed gently.

"You just like it because my tits are trying to spill out of the top."

"That's a definite plus." said Chase. To prove his point, one of the hands that was resting on my belly traveled upwards. He hooked a long finger into the front of my dress and tugged slightly, revealing my overly full, white strapless bra. Like seriously, the thing was fighting a losing battle trying to hold my tits up. Unable to help myself, I leaned into his hold, rubbing myself against his front. I felt his cock twitch as I did so.

I was about to suggest that he and I take care of the steadily growing problem between us when Dale yelled from the front of the bus, reminding me that we were far from being alone. WIth a sigh, I turned into Chase's arms and looked up into his eyes. "Pick this up later?"

"Definitely." he said, dipping his head and kissing me senseless. "Right now, I have to go murder my cockblocking brother."

The smile on his face and the willingness with which he was calling Dale his brother warmed my heart and had tears pooling in my eyes. Sure, it was still new and only something that he did around me for now, but it was heartwarming to know that he was wrapping his head around all of this; that he was accepting his new reality.

"You can't murder him." I laughed. "Especially since he and Amy just found out that they are pregnant again. With triplets this time."

"That's the only thing that's going to save him." Said Chase as he backed away from me, that handsome smile of his that I loved dearly plastered on his face. "I don't want to be the reason that she has to raise five Earnhardt children on her own. Nor do I want to have to feel responsible for raising them."

"Those Earnhardt's are a rowdy bunch..." I said teasingly.

As soon as the words flew from my mouth, I wanted to pull them back. Chase might be calling Dale his brother in private but neither of us had broached the subject of him not actually being a Rice. But the fear I had initially was for nothing because Chase just smiled lovingly at me before saying "That we are". He stepped towards the door of the bedroom and stopped, turning to face me. "Get out of your head, pretty girl. Keep the dress on because I think you look amazing in it."

As the door to the room shut softly behind him, I turned and looked at myself in the mirror. I tugged my dress up over my breasts, saying a little prayer that the strapless bra would hold out for the rest of the day and not give up the good fight. As I really looked at myself, the doubts I had over the dress earlier were no longer there. No longer did I feel like I was wearing a tablecloth. No longer did I feel like a cow. All it had taken was Chase wrapping me in his arms, getting me a little hot and bothered, and I felt comfortable in my own skin. Love for the man I married swelled inside me, reminding me how lucky I was to have him in my life.

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