~ Thirteen ~

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Chase's POV:

After ending the call with Dale, I immediately opened up the laptop that had just come in for Callie since I'd broken the other one –thank god all her drafts were backed up on the cloud– and pulled up the search engine to find the listing for Sr's house. That was an hour ago and yet, here I am, still staring at the photos on the screen of the home that had once belonged to the man that I was just beginning to wrap my mind around was my father. With each minute that passed the nagging voice inside my head kept repeating 'buy it', and repeating how this place needed to stay in the family. As I looked at the photos, I tried to envision what holidays had looked like in the house. I tried to imagine Sr walking down the stairs on christmas morning as his children sat around the christmas tree anxiously waiting to tear into all their gifts. I tried to imagine him sitting at the table in the dining room leading the family in prayer as they prayed over thanksgiving dinner. In all, I tried to imagine so many things that my mind was having a hard time figuring out what was real and what was imagined.

"You should buy it."said Callie from behind me, pulling my wandering mind back to the present. The chair I was sitting in squeaked as I turned and looked over at her. When I didn't speak, Callie continued. "You've always wanted a place in North Carolina that was relatively close to your mama anyway so this would be perfect. Plus, even if you won't admit it, you are looking for something that will finally make you feel connected to the Earnhardt's. No, you won't be bombarded with memories like your siblings will be but being in that house will allow you to make your own. And personally, I think that would make Sr extremely proud."

The love I had for Callie grew tremendously in that moment –if that was even possible since I loved with with every fiber of my being as it was. Knowing that she knew what I was thinking, that she knew what I needed, only made me more aware of how blessed I was to get to spend the rest of my life with her. I was truly one of the luckiest men on earth to have a woman as loving, caring, and amazing as my wife.

"Come here." I said, patting my lap, wanting more than anything to have her in my arms. Without hesitation, Callie did as I said and settled into my lap, swinging her legs over mine and nestling her cheek into my chest. I placed a kiss atop her head and wrapped my arms around her. "How is it that you always know what to say or know what I'm thinking?"

"Because I know you, Chase." she said, lifting her head and looking into my eyes. "Family has always been important to you. I know how much your memories with Daniel have shaped you into the man that you are today. And I am more thankful for that than you know. I just wish that you had been given the chance to meet your real father. I wish that you had been given the chance to make memories with him just as you did with Daniel. But since we don't have a Delorean or know a scientist with crazy hair, time travel is impossible. So that leaves you buying the house. I think spending time there with your siblings, making new memories while they tell you all about the shenanigans that they experienced while there is the best way for you to truly get to know your father. I mean, I can't think of a better way to get to know someone than to walk in their footsteps or be in places that they once inhabited."

"You really want to take on buying a house right now with a baby due in a few weeks and me about to get back out on the road?" I asked.

"Chase, if I knew that letting someone else buy that house was what you truly wanted, then I wouldn't be encouraging you to buy it. Sure, Ainsley and Austin are going to keep me busy but as close at that place is to your mama, she would be more than willing to help out. She already says that she doesn't get to see them enough." said Callie, one of her hands cupping my stubbled cheek. She let her thumb graze over it as she continued.. "I think I did a pretty good job decorating and designing this place so it stands to reason that I can do it again. We can make the place suited for us but still honor the memory of your father as well. Plus, I always wanted a house on the lake"

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