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Chapter 176 A Comparison

This woman... She really wasn't giving her opponent the chance to catch a breath.

Fleeting Time pressed himself close to the ground, rolling sideways as he chugged down a health potion. In that short moment, Ye Ci's arrows quickly covered the carpet. Had Fleeting Time been any slower, he would've had arrows sticking out of his back like a porcupine.

The only way to turn the tables around was to be faster than Gongzi You. Fleeting Time drank an Agility Potion, boosting his Agility by 15% for 10 minutes. The 15% increase was trivial in a battle between experts, but even that miniscule improvement was enough to affect the flow of the battle.

He used a potion! Ye Ci was quick to realize Fleeting Time's increase in speed. His movements were quicker and he was suddenly able to dish out higher damage. She thought of consuming an Agility Potion too, but then realized she was out of stock. What a stroke of bad luck. Yet Ye Ci felt that it would not place her at a disadvantage.

Her calculations were correct. Taking in a deep breath, Ye Ci hastened her movements. She must continue to control the tempo of the battle, and continue to press her attacks in ways that Fleeting Time couldn't predict, forcing him to show an opening.

Fighting in one's home turf often gives a lot of advantages. As Ye Ci and Fleeting Time battled against each other, the Archbishop—who'd remained seated throughout the entire ordeal—slowly stood up and applauded.

"This might be a battle between the Good and the Evil, but I have to thank the both of you for such a wonderful performance," said the archbishop with a slight smile, his demeanor entirely different from before.

Despite being slightly distracted by the Archbishop's sudden movement, the duo did not stop. They were in the heat of the battle, and had no time to spend on an NPC. Ye Ci and Fleeting Time fought on in the Archbishop's chamber, adding more chaos to a place already in ruins.

Even though the two combatants were studiously ignoring him, the Archbishop droned on, seemingly unaffected by the fact that his words fell on deaf ears.

"My dear child... Look at you... You've worked so hard to protect me... I shall bless you in the name of God..." the Archbishop continued to speak, and began to chant a spell in an unknown language.

Ye Ci could feel a sudden surge of Strength and an increase in Agility. After her initial shock, she realized that she'd received an additional buff.

Blessing of God: A blessing from God to His devout believer. Effect: Increase all stats by 20% for a duration of 30 minutes."

As expected of an Archbishop's buff. It's really awesome! thought Ye Ci as she examined the buff. If players could acquire such a buff when they explored dungeons, that would be awesome! Her guild would at least be able to clear the Castle Ruins without being bogged down by the 4th BOSS. They always had issues with their tanks, the healing capabilities of their healers and the lack of damage dealt by the DPS players. It was just so frustrating!

In this situation, however, if Ye Ci could still fail to defeat Fleeting Time with such an awesome buff, she would smash her face against a wall.

Ye Ci's attacks intensified, not giving Fleeting Time the opportunity to catch his breath. She seized on every single mistake he made with a flurry of attacks, disrupting his attempts at counterattacking.

One was always at an advantage when fighting in one's home turf—they even had a cheerleader that would give out BUFFs. Fleeting Time watched as the Archbishop casted a long spell on Ye Ci, raising her speed and attack exponentially. He immediately understood that the BUFF was an overpowered one. How else could Ye Ci suddenly become so much more fearsome?

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