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Chapter 49 Winter Hotspring

In both lives that Ye Ci’s had lived, Steel-Blooded Battle Spear had always been a black horse.

The only difference this time was that a black horse usually only appeared in the later part of the game. Totally unlike what was happening in Ye Ci’s current life, where they had presented themselves as the black horse only two to three months after the game had started.

They’ve managed to take 2 of the 5 Automaton Formation First Five, and have become the focus of every player. They received all sorts of request on the forums to reveal the dungeon clearing video. They’ve also gotten a lot of new applicants, within a few days Steel-Blooded Battle Spear had become one of the most popular guilds within the Eastern Continent.

Even with her remarkable performance while taking command of the first squadron, her simple and concise style of command was rejected by the more conservative veteran players. However, this did not affect Thousand Sunset’s desire to rope in Ye Ci. So from that time on Ye Ci had become the only player to enjoy such extreme freedom in a guild that formerly had such a highly militarized management system.

She could literally do anything she wanted.

Although not many had knowledge of such arrangement, those who knew of it were extremely dissatisfied. Peacock Blue being one of them.

“Thousand, you can’t do this. She’ll destroy the order in our guild!”

Thousand Sunsets ignored Peacock Blue’s objection. He already knew that his action of letting Ye Ci roam freely might affect the other guild members. But after considering the fact that Ye Ci was somewhat of a loner, this influence was actually quite limited. With that in mind, Thousand Sunsets had chosen to not restrict Ye Ci’s movements.

“She is only here to help take charge of our dungeon clearing team. We don’t have to care about the rest.” Thousand Sunsets said and dismissed Peacock Blue.

Peacock Blue stormed out of the conference room in anger then ran into Zero Arsenic. They had been friends for many years, and Zero Arsenic was concerned after witnessing her anger.

Peacock Blue immediately spilled her thoughts about Gongzi You, “She’s merely a huntress, but Thousand allows her so much freedom just because she’s a friend of Leftie.”

Zero Arsenic patted her shoulder, “You know that she’s Oceanic Lantern right?”

“So what? This is Fate, not Otherworld. Everybody should be treated the same. Why does she receive such special treatment?” Peacock Blue couldn’t help but feel wronged, her tone filled with a hint of bitterness, “What’s so good about her that she attracts Thousand’s attention?”

Zero Arsenic knew that Peacock Blue held some feelings towards Thousand Sunsets, he laughed, “Hey, Gleaming Sunshine is the one who is his girlfriend, not Gongzi You. It’s unfair that you’re angry at her because of this.”

Noticing that Zero Arsenic saw through her thoughts, Peacock Blue was embarrassed and angry, “I don’t care! I just think that with such example, it’ll be hard to keep the other guild members in line.” with that, she ran away.

Zero Arsenic could only let out a long sigh. As an administrator, Peacock Blue was quite narrow-minded. Despite her exceptional administrative skills, she’d failed to see that Gongzi You would greatly aid in the growth of their guild.

Zero Arsenic, of course, did not inform Thousand Sunsets of Peacock Blue’s tantrum. In the following days, Thousand Sunsets did not give any more assignments to Ye Ci. he spent most of his time in the Automaton Formation dungeon, practicing the method of clearing the dungeon by studying Ye Ci’s video.

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