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Chapter 53 The Past Doesn't Matter

Ye Ci had always felt the scar left in her heart by this man.

Even after her reincarnation, she had trod carefully, ignoring any and all information regarding the Tang Dynasty. When she learned anything about Wandering Cloud, she acted as if she was illiterate and could not understand anything at all. She did not want to face him.

However, the Goddess of Fate was headstrong.

She was hit by this drama in her moment of peace.

She was caught off guard by his sudden appearance.

Truth to be told, Ye Ci knew that she could not ostracize herself and hide from him forever. The Tang Dynasty ranked no.2 in the East Continent. They ranked no.5 in Country Z. Their paths would meet eventually no matter how hard she tried to avoid him. But she had never thought that they would meet so soon.

How do I face him? Ye Ci had thought, thinking of the scenario when she would meet Wandering Cloud once again.

With hatred? With anger? Or with meek expectation?

It was a question that she had thought of many times but had no answer to.

However, life is strange.

When she once again faced this man, she only felt an odd unfamiliarity and nothing else.

Wandering Cloud knelt on the ground, looking up at the Huntress before him. Her skin was pale. While her eyes were not gorgeous, there was something about her gaze that intimidated him. She stared at him with her amber eyes. It was as if those eyes were devoid of any human emotions. They were so calm that he even felt despair as she stared on.

Wandering Cloud gulped and said, “You really are Gongzi You…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Gongzi You had grabbed him and her face inched closer to his. He could even feel the warm breath coming out of the Huntress’s mouth. It was as if tens of thousands of ants had burrowed themselves into his skin, gnawing at his nerves. He felt afraid.

Ye Ci took a careful look at the face so close to hers. It was so young, so handsome. It was a face that had once deeply enchanted her. However, she no longer cared for it.

When the system gave her the choice to hide her name, she chose to announce it. It was not for the fame. But rather because… she had realized that the past doesn’t matter anymore.

No matter what she did in her last life, what relationship she shared with this man, they were all in the past.

She was Ye Ci. She was Gongzi You. She had begun a new life. There was no point in torturing herself with something that had happened in her last life.

At that moment, she felt a sense of relaxation that she had never experienced.

She was herself. She lived for herself. Her joy and happiness were all for herself.

Just these things were enough.

Ye Ci smiled.

It was a relaxed smile that Ye Ci never had before. A smile that was so warm that it could even melt the snow.

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