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Chapter 120 Slavery Contract

Humans tend to be full of contradicts. Carnivore was the perfect example of this. He was grateful that Ye Ci did not make fun of him and hoped that he could talk with her more. On the other hand, because of the contrast between her flashy appearance and his sorry state, he hoped that Ye Ci would just leave.

Then again, the lakeside didn’t belong to anyone. He couldn’t just ask Ye Ci to leave, but he was also unwilling to leave the area, as it had taken him quite a lot of effort to locate a shallow water region that yielded more clamshells. He could only lower his head and continue digging for clams, pretending that Ye Ci did not exist.

Ye Ci, of course, knew nothing of the turmoil within Carnivore’s heart. She was only interested in his talent and wanted to recruit him into her guild. Clear Moon and Cutie Lemon had ‘defiled’ a huge amount of materials in order to forge equipment, so was it time to get someone to ‘abuse’ the finished goods as well? Since they’d already been defiled and abused, it didn’t matter.

Ye Ci continued watching Carnivore digging for clams, and had even summoned Ol’ Four alongside her. Carnivore’s hands shook. Why was this female Elf not leaving yet? Why had she summoned a freaking dinosaur to watch him? That dinosaur had even walked up to him and sniffed at him after detecting no danger...

Carnivore was only lvl 10 and had never visited any maps that were above lvl 10. He had never seen a Tyrannosaurus Rex. When a member of this extinct species interacted with him intimately, he involuntarily took a few steps back.

“Uhh, d-does it eat clams?” Carnivore found the courage to ask Ye Ci. The thing he had the most of right now were those clams anyways.

Ye Ci casted a glance at Ol’ Four, and at Carnivore. She then said with a sly grin, “He doesn’t eat them raw.”

“Ohh...” Carnivore scratched his head awkwardly, accidentally coating himself in mud. He let out a long sigh after noticing that Ye Ci had backed Ol’ Four away slightly, then continued to dig for clams just like before, as if he was never disturbed by Ol’ Four.

“What’s the current level of your skill?” Ye Ci suddenly spoke up.

“Beginner Tier with 11% progress.”

Ye Ci was slightly surprised. To be able to get a skill like that to the Beginner Tier with only his own capabilities was indeed an impressive feat.

“How long did it take you?”

“3 months.” Carnivore felt odd. Why must this female Elf ask him questions in such fine detail?

Ye Ci was even more surprised. To be able to reach Beginner Tier with 11% progress within a period of 3 months, the person must be very passionate about his job. She then realized another problem, “How much money have you spent?”

This question reminded Carnivore of his sorrows. He remained silent for brief moment and then replied lamely, “This seems to have nothing to do with you, right?”

Indeed, they were strangers who met by chance. Even if Ye Ci had given him more than 100 clams, it did not mean that he had the obligation to tell her everything. Especially… when money was involved. He could not bring himself to say that he was at the end of the line. Not only that, he was facing a huge debt. And especially, right at that moment, he…

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