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Chapter 23 School Begins!

Ye Ci did not know whether to laugh or cry in regards to that black line above her head.

“You are the Gongzi You who had cleared Icy Cave at Difficult Stage?”


The line above Ye Ci’s head became darker for a few minutes. It couldn’t be... Even a newbie knew about this?

“Big sister, why are you here?!” Clear Moon looked at Gongzi with his unrestrained excitement. His pair of eyes were sparkling brightly as diamonds. “Everyone is looking for you on the World Channel.”

After contemplating for some time, Ye Ci still did not know how to answer him. In the end, she just laughed and said, “Don’t tell anyone else that I am here.”

“Sure, sure, I won’t tell anyone! Big Sister, don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me!” Clear Moon nodded. He winked and laughed at her before he turned and ran away.

Finally, she had the time to practice her Arrow Crafting skill...

Today was really too eventful. Ye Ci had only practiced her Arrow Crafting skill for twenty to thirty minutes when she heard the shuffling footsteps heading her way. She lifted her head. Other than Liu Chang, who else could it be?

Her smile was like the arrival of spring. Ye Ci could feel the goosebumps on her back when she saw that shuddering expression.

“Hi, my dear little Ci Ci. I’m here. You only have to call once and I will find you immediately. It is even faster than calling your darling.” Liu Chang said as she leaned forward to hug Ye Ci. Ye Ci promptly plopped a skill book on Liu Chang’s face, pushing that girl away.

“Fine! Fine! It is such a hot day, don’t be so corny.”

“You’re really quite something! You’re actually going to give me this book?!” Liu Chang took the skill book and planted multiple kisses on its cover. It was almost as if she wanted to print her saliva on the cover.

Ye Ci checked if there was anyone behind Liu Chang. Before she could say a word, Liu Chang said, “Stop it, no one followed me.”

Do you think I am stupid. I have closed all my channels. Of course I don’t want anyone to find you. I can even hide from the entire world.” Liu Chang stuffed the skill book into her backpack. She sat down beside Ye Ci. “Peacock Blue is looking everywhere for you.”

“Peacock Blue?”

“She is the guild member in charge of logistics.” Liu Chang replied as she snorted. “She is only slightly better looking but she is so full of herself. What gives her the right to talk to us with her nose in the air?”

“Why is she looking for me?” She wondered how Peacock Blue had offended Liu Chang as she looked at her friend’s expression.

“I am 100% certain that it is because you cleared the Icy Cave. What else could it be? When the information was announced, the faces of the whole management level turned green. They were extremely unhappy.” Liu Chang continued, snorting again. She complained angrily, “Blue Peacock looked for us immediately. She acted like a queen and told us, ‘You all brought Gongzi You in. Now the guild is looking for him so get him here quickly! You’ll all face the consequences if he’s late.’”

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