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Chapter 151 Safe Journey

After seeing off Liu Chang, Ye Ci let out a deep sigh.

Although it was still daytime, Ye Ci felt the frigid air flow through her entire body, her limbs and extremities felt so cold that it hurt. But what if it wasn't the weather that made her feel chilled, but the actions of those people who had pushed her into a bleak, sub-zero abyss?

Ye Ci covered her head with the hood of her jacket, completely obscuring the upper half of her face, and lowered her head. It was difficult to discern the expression on her face.

In truth, she was never as strong as she was perceived to be. Even though the outcome of some things were already known, one would still feel uncomfortable or even hurt when one experienced it once more. Ye Ci knew that she was a selfish person, but she still had a heart. Ye Ci was not really a cold-blooded person. She just... She loved herself more.

This time, it really was severed completely.

The Ye Ci of the past, as well as their eighteen year long friendship.

After this, everyone would really head down their own paths. Without warning, Ye Ci felt a chill, cold to the point that her nose wrinkled up. Why were there things that would end up with the same outcome, despite reincarnating? Even though the process and the emotions were different, the ending was the same: A clean severance of friendship.

A strong but warm arm wrapped around Ye Ci's shoulders and gently pressed her head into a warm embrace. The hood covered Ye Ci's face entirely with only a mere gap for her to look outside.

She gazed at the boundless sky, at the bright sun.

"Everyone will encounter some things that they dislike, these things will allow us to gain some as well as lose some. Be more indifferent about it. The process of growing up hurts, you'll get better once it's all in the past." Bai Mo's voice was like warm coals that gently removed the chill that had penetrated Ye Ci's bones.

That's right, growing up hurt, why wouldn't she know that? It's just that as one gets older, the more cowardly they became. When 28 year old Ye Ci walked down the same path as her 19 year old self, she couldn't help but feel afraid and shy away. The reason for that was because she already knew what awaited her at the other end.

If she could, she really wished that she wouldn't grow up.

"Bai Mo..." Ye Ci lightly sighed, turning her body slightly and allowing herself to enter Bai Mo's embrace. It was a scent that she was familiar with, a scent that gave her a sense of security. Blinking her eyes, she recalled the bitterness she had experienced in her past life and her eyes moistened. Using a voice that only she could hear, "D-don't leave me again..."

"This time, you have to live on, always, properly. Don't leave me alone..."

Hearing only mumbles from Ye Ci, Bai Mo, who could not hear a single word clearly, tilted his head and asked, "What?"

"It's nothing." Ye Ci sniffled, forcing back the tears that threatened to overflow before resolutely leaving Bai Mo's embrace. She looked up and showed a smile full of confidence, "Let's return home."

In truth, Bai Mo knew that Ye Ci had spoken something that she didn't want him to know. Since that was the case, he would definitely not ask her about it. Bai Mo smiled as he ruffled Ye Ci's hair beneath her hood, "Alright, let's go home."

They had excellent luck on their way back; the last row was actually empty.

Seated at the window seat, Ye Ci silently watched as the scenery outside constantly receded, just like the events of her life.

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