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Chapter 122 Blue Light Coast

The location was at Scarlet Sand City.

An area that was neither close to Steel-Blooded Battle Spear nor Upwards Ho!’s territory--It fell right smack in the middle.

The Cripple Inn. Located in a corner of the Eastern District of Scarlet Sand City, it could not be considered crowded. In a small room on the second floor, Ye Ci found Zero Arsenic, Yi Cang and Dong Yin. The three people sat there quietly, almost as if they didn’t know each other. Upon Ye Ci’s entrance, Zero Arsenic stood up and politely smiled. “That was fast.”

Ye Ci noddedd. Zero Arsenic was quite reliable. As he walked towards the door, he said, “You guys chat while I’ll go explore Scarlet Sand City.” Upon finishing his words, he left.

They waited until the sound of Zero Arsenic’s footsteps faded from the stairway before Ye Ci turned to the two people in front of her. “Today I…”

Just as she spoke up, the one who had not uttered a word thus far, Dong Yin, raised her head and interrupted her. “I know what you want to say, Xiao Ci. However, please don’t say it.”

At this moment, Yi Cang also spoke up,l “We already heard what Zero Arsenic said. You exchanged your dungeon clearance footage for the opportunity to meet us today.” The corners of Yi Cang’s mouth twitched as he grimaced, “You didn’t need to do that. A clearance video is so valuable, and you actually gave it away just so we could meet? If you really wanted to meet up, wouldn’t calling us be better instead of going to all this trouble?

Ye Ci didn’t know what to say. Her mind was blank. She did not speak a word, only stared at Yi Cang. She knew anything she said would be misunderstood. It would be better if she waited for them to speak their minds to make them feel better.

However, these words meant nothing to her.

“Did you think that I cannot tell what you’re thinking if you don’t speak? Xiao Ci, we were childhood friends who grew up together, but that’s all in the past now.” Yi Cang stood up, his countenance expressionless as he faced Ye Ci’s tranquil, emotionless face. “I will not leave Steel-Blooded Battle Spear. Although you’ve become renowned as a part of Upwards Ho! and your guild is incredibly powerful, I will still not leave Steel-Blooded Battle Spear. Don’t assume that we’re suffering just because you’re leading the good life. Even if I am suffering, I will never…”

His words were going nowhere. Dong Yin pulled on his arm, hinting at him to stop.

Yi Cang immediately shut his mouth. He glanced at Dong Yin, before looking at Ye Ci. “Xiao Ci, as friends, as childhood friends. If you wish to eat out or sing karaoke, just give me a call and I’ll be there. However, we don’t need to stand together in a game. Since Liu Chang has already left with you, that is enough. You are famous; you are a god player. If she wants to follow you for the rest of her gaming life, that’s her choice. But I’m not willing to. So, no matter what you say, I will never go to Upwards Ho!.”

The words stabbed at Ye Ci’s heart, upsetting her. She let out a sigh. As expected, friendship could not be put into contact with personal interest. Otherwise, any friendship would be twisted beyond recognition. Ye Ci nodded with a faint smile: “I don’t think I’ve even said anything yet.”

Just with a simple sentence, she was able to stopper Yi Cang’s spew of words. Now that he recalled, she had not spoken a single word ever since she had sat down. He was the one rambling on and on without anything to back up his claims. Yi Cang felt stifled, and his temper deflated completely.

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