14 - Team Mission (Part 2)

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First Person Perspective - (Y/N) Fyre

Silence, a beautiful black screen of sleep, my only time to rest being suddenly interrupted by yelling. I open my eyes, rubbing the sleep off them, I look down below me. Sure enough, there stands the eight people I'm forced to be here with. "Morning (Y/N)! Come on, lets go get that Grimm nest!" I see that it's Ruby yelling excitedly "Let's go smash some Grimm to bits!" Nora also yells. I tilt my head to both sides feeling the satisfaction of a pop, I stand up on the branch I had just slept on. I jump down from the tree and with a thud I land onto the ground. I grab my bag from the brush to my left "Start moving then." I say slinging my bag over my shoulder as Ruby looks at her scroll. "We are all goingggg... uh... that way!" Ruby exclaims as she points to her left, I immediately start walking in that direction "Of course he just walks off." Yang sighs. "I'm sure he'll come around... eventually." Pyrrha says trying to bring hope to the group, "Unlikely." Blake rebuttals, I stop walking as I turn around "Let's move already! We don't have all damn day!" I yell from about thirteen feet away. I see everyone's head turn to me, then looking at each other, then back to me. One by one they each start to catch up, seeing this I turn back around and start to walk again. God, I hate this.

First Person Perspective - Blake Belladonna

It's been about thirty minutes since we got yelled at by Y/N, it's been real quiet, we all still walk forward though as the direction hasn't changed. Wish I could get this kind of silence when I read. Then suddenly Y/N stops "Uhm... everything alright-" Jaune is suddenly cut off "We're here." Y/N says in his usual stoic manner, that's my thing. The group and I look past him and sure enough there's a cave "Alright! Let's get in there and do this!" Yang excitedly exclaims as she walks forward to go to the cave but Y/N stops her, raising his arm in front of her. "Are you a dumbass?" Y/N says still looking at the cave hole and that, understandably, makes Yang angry "I'm sorry, but what the hell did you just say to me?". Y/N turns his head to the left to look at Yang now "I said 'Are you a dumbass?', you think rushing in there is a good idea?" while Y/N is making his pretty good point Yang is still just getting angrier "There's probably just a bunch of weak easy Grimm, who cares?! And who the fuck elected you team leader?!" Yang gets in Y/N's face now. "Uh oh." Ruby, Jaune, Nora, and I say in unison as the air is now thick in tension. Although Y/N doesn't seem too mad or anything, still just having the same resting bitch face, he turns to face his entire front to Yang as he drops his arm back to his side. "Nobody made me leader. I'm taking charge. And I suggest shutting your mouth before you end up dead or worse." Y/N gives a very clear warning and the entire group now takes a step back from him except Yang, "Really? And what would be worse?" Yang rebuttals as Ruby now speaks "Yang please stop!" she sounded a little afraid. Completely understandable here. "What's worse is that I throw you into that cave and keep you in there 'til you go insane or die." Y/N says getting in her face back, staring deep into Yang's eyes. Even from a foot away I can feel Y/N was being one hundred percent honest, the entire area is now quiet as a drop of sweat is shown on Yang's forehead. "... Fine." Yang scoffs out, Y/N says nothing more as he turns back to the cave and takes his pistol out of his holster. Everybody was a little scared to speak up to ask what in the hell he's doing so I speak out "What.. are you doing?" he doesn't respond as he raises the pistol to the cave. One, two, and three shots ring out as he fires into the cave, his pistol left smoking as we all look at each other in panic, he was leading the Grimm out here. Everyone quickly gets their weapons ready, Gambol Shroud coming off my back and into my hand. "A warning would suffice!" Jaune yells out, it's clear Jaune is terrified. Y/N doesn't even acknowledge him, still staring into the cave, multiple roars are heard now. "He's leading them to us... we have a better chance out here than the dark." I explain to get everyone to relax a little "OH! Now I get it!" Ruby giggles to herself as the air seems a little less tense now.

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