11 - A Bully's Fear (Part 1)

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First Person Perspective - (Y/N) Fyre

I was in a peaceful slumber until I awoke to the sound of power tools going off in the room next to mine. 'I'm sorry but when did they get powertools?' I sluggishly got up to check the time '8:53 and there is construction going on. The fuck is this mess I got myself into?' I put on my jacket and gun belt, double checking I have reserve magazines. "All set and ready. Let's go I guess." I walk over to the door and open it to be met by Ruby, Yang, Wiess, and Blake running down the hall "The fuck was that about?" "Class...?" I hear Jaune question and turning my head to look at him I see the entire team in the doorframe then soon fall over "We're gonna be late!" he says dashing after Ruby and the others. "Dammit. We got classes here, fucking forgot." I walk out and close my door and teleport after them. I soon catch up with them in the courtyard but I see someone out of the corner of my eye and I come to a stop to turn to my right "Heya Oz, hey Glynda."
"Good morning to you too Mr. Fyre." he takes a sip of whatever is in his cup.
"Young man why aren't you in your school attire? And why do you have your weapons on you?"
"... Are you seriously asking me that?" she just glares at me.
"Well to answer your question then, it's because I don't want to, doesn't suit me. And my weapons never leave my sight to put it simply."
"Well you are really going to need to cha-"
"I'm not changing shit about me." she has a furious look.
"Well you need to follow by these rules at Beac-"
"That's enough Glynda." Ozpin says intervening.
"But sir-"
"Just leave him, all I need from him is that he doesn't kill anyone while he attends."
"HA I can't promise that."
"Well you are going to Mr. Fyre because it can endanger the school reputation."
"That really doesn't sound like a me problem and the people here are already tense about me even being here so in all honesty, the fault is on you."
"Hm." he takes another sip of his mug "You should get to class by the way."
"Good point. See ya later Oz and Glynda." I walk off giving a wave. As I teleport to the last sighting of the two teams I was following.

I enter a class hoping it was the right one "Now as I was saying-" the teacher looks at me and looks a bit stressed 'Gonna deal with this for a while aren't I?' I hear whispering of other students "Is this Professor Ports class?" the whispering stops "Y-Yes it is." "Cool thanks." I walk down the aisles of seat to see Ruby to my right. "Hey (Y/N)!" she says with a bright smile "Sup." I walk down the aisle she's in and take the seat to Blake's right. There is just silence throught the class as apparently all eyes are on me "... Can you all stop fucking staring. I'm pretty sure Port over here is giving a lecture." he wasn't but that sure started it up again "Right! So back to what I was saying. Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses...-" he winks at Yang 'I might kill this prick.' "-Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!" "Ayyyy-yup!" some random student says with his fist raised high as all eyes are looking at him, he sits back down in embarrassment "That is what you are training to become. But first: A story. A tale of a young, handsome man... Me! When I was a boy...-" I lean towards Blake and whisper "I'm going to go to sleep, wake me when this is over." she nods at me as I put my hood on and close my eyes for some rest.

I was woken abruptly by somebody yelling "I do!" I look for the source of the noise seeing Wiess with her hand raised "The fuck did I miss." I whisper to Blake "Not much to be completely honest." she whispers back. All of the sudden Wiess is standing a couple of feet back from two cages in a battle stance "When the hell did she get there?". "Go Wiess!" Yang is saying whilst raising her fist "Fight well!" Blake says waving a small flag with 'RWBY' imprinted on it 'Where the fuck did she get that?' "Yeah represent teeeeam RWBY!" Ruby yells in excitement "Ruby! I'm trying to focus!" Wiess retorts "Oh, um... Sorry..." she looks down sheepishly. "Do something interesting." I say which earns me a glare from her which I shrug off "Alllright! Let the match... begin!" Port swings some axe gun hybrid at the lock breaking it and setting loose a Boarbatusk. It charges at Wiess making her block and roll to the side "Ha ha! Wasn't expecting that were you?" 'I would hope she expected to be attacked.' "Hang in there Wiess!" Ruby yells as Wiess goes to rush the Boarbatusk as it does the same, getting her weapon stuck between it's tusks when she tries to stab it in the head 'Idiot.' "Bold, new approach. I like it!" Port says giving horrible commentary "Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!" Ruby says trying to give support only to be glared at by Wiess 'Rich assholes never change huh?'. The Boarbatusk takes the opportunity to send her weapon flying and hitting her back in the process "Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?" Wiess looks up and dodges another attack by the Boarbatusk with a roll leaving the Boarbatusk to hit the desk wall behind her. She runs for her weapon and successfully retrieves it "Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armor underneath-" "Stop telling me what to do!" Wiess says looking at Ruby, leaving Ruby with a hurt look 'Might kill her too.' then the Boarbatusk decides to roll into a ball and charge which Wiess stops with a glyph sending the Boarbatusk on it's back and back flipping into another glyph launching her to the Boarbatusk making her weapon stab through it, successfully killing it. She gets up panting "Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntress-in-training! But there is one more thing I would like to request of somebody, so Wiess please take a seat." she takes her seat next to Ruby looking very pissed "And if Mr. Fyre can come up please?" "Sure.". I get up from my seat and head down to about the same spot Wiess was in "So what did you need me for?" "Well I would just like to test your skill, if that is alright with you?" "Yeah I don't mind." I say shrugging "Excellent!" "Gimme one sec here though." Port simply nods as I turn to look at Wiess "Wiess I'd just like to say your performance in that fight was less than satisfactory." "What!?" she says more in shock than in questioning "You heard me. Losing your weapon would've meant certain death in most situations and you weren't even focused on the fight." "Well that isn't my faul-" "Of course it isn't the rich prick's fault, blaming someone else for your fuck up. That disgusts me, saying that you might as well give up on being a Huntress because blaming somebody else sure as hell isn't going to fly in the real world." I left everyone in shock, especially Wiess "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta kill whatever is in that cage. You can release it now Port.". Port returns after his shock and hits the lock breaking it letting out another Boarbatusk 'Perfect.' it charges at me with it's tusks to which I grab both of them activating my aura and stopping it dead in it's tracks. I start to chuckle as I grip the tusks tighter and tighter till cracks start to form as it shrieks in pain "What? Can't take some pain?" I crush the tusks making it recoil backwards in immense amounts of pain. I walk towards it with a sadistic grin on my face, it being in to much pain to notice me, as I put my foot on it's head. The lift my foot up and slam it to the ground, crushing it's head as it starts to dissipate. I look to the audience with my grin still plastered on my face "Now THAT is how you get the job done." then most of the class starts cheering as the others are still in shock, I look over to Wiess who is currently in a shock euphoria "THAT WAS SO COOL!" Ruby says practically shaking from excitement "I never thought you could do that!" Yang says with a bright smile "Very impressive." Blake says with a grin. "Well it left her speechless." I say with my sadistic grin finally disappearing and pointing at Wiess "That was truly excellent!" Port says getting the class to calm down "But I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!". I see Wiess stand up and leave abruptly passing by Ruby with a glare "Sheesh, what's with her?" Jaune asks, I just shake my head and walk off as well. At the entrance Ruby zooms pass me and goes right and I walk off to the left.

The Shadow Within Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें