13 - Team Mission (Part 1)

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First Person Perspective - (Y/N) Fyre

I wake up to the sound of my alarm... that's going to get real fucking annoying. I groan as I sit up to turn it off, I stretch my arms and back as I get out of bed. I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower, about twenty five minutes later I get out to do my usual morning routine. I leave my dorm and head to my first class, Port's.

I've changed my spot to the back so I'm not in direct conversation with Ruby and Jaune's teams as well as them. Peacefully doing anything else besides listening to Port "Will teams RWBY, JNPR, and Mr. Fyre please come to my office." Ozpin voice calls over the intercom 'The fuck? Hell does he need us for?'. I reluctantly get up and head for the door "Wait up!" Ruby calls, I ignore her and walk through the door leaving the classroom. Not even a minute later they catch up "At least wait man, geez." Jaune tells me at my right, I just look at him and look away trying to evident I'm not interested in this conversation. The whole walk to the elevator was silent, I press the intercom button "Permission to enter?" the elevator doors open and we step in side. The ride up was awkward... very awkward, being in an enclosed space with people you don't want to be around is not fun. "Sooo... how are you guys?" Yang asks trying to lighten up the mood "Oh I'm doing greeaat, it's not like we are in some very awkward situation right now!" Nora says "We definitely are." Blake rebuttals. The elevator reaches it's peak and opens to show Ozpin at his desk smiling as he looked at us. I stare at him coldly while walking out of the elevator towards his desk "So why am I here? Or any of us." "I have a mission for all of you. Search and Destroy, find the Grimm nest and destroy it. There is a particularly big one in the Emerald Forest and I think you guys are the perfect fit for this mission." "AW YEAH!" Ruby exclaims "This is gonna be fun!" Yang says with great excitement. While the rest are giving their own opinions on this mission I was pissed "Are you fucking kidding me?" I slam my hands on the table and get close to Ozpin's face "Did God set you up for this because this feels way to fucking convenient." "No." he replies in a calm demeanor with that damn smile on his face. I stare daggers into his soul "You better not be lying to me." I back off from him and head back to the elevator "There will be a drop ship waiting for you all outside." "What if I don't go?" I reply with my back turned. "You can say hello to the police and have them deal with you accordingly." Ozpin replies, I sigh "Fine. I'll be there." I teleport back to my dorm.

First Person Perspective - Ozpin

I watched the rest of the students filled with mixed reactions after (Y/N) teleported away. "Does he hate us?" Ruby asks "It would seem so. But I don't think that's the case." I reply "What makes you say that?" Yang asks as everyone turns to look at me for the answer "To say he hates you off the bat is a bit of a stretch. It could just be he has become desensitized to being alone and, or he is pushing you away for a greater purpose." "Which do you think it is?" Jaune asks "I have no clue. It is up for you to find out if you want to break is outer shell." "Then that's what we will do!" Ruby says with confidence "You will also have to camp out. The mission will take a couple of days." I say "We will use that time to try and break (Y/N)'s shell. Let's go get prepared team!" Ruby exclaims before rushing to the elevator. The others follow suit "Be careful out there as well and good luck." I say before the elevator closes, I get up, walking over to the window and stare at the scenery in front of me. "Do you think it will work?" I say out loud, seemingly replying to nobody "It should, hopefully." a voice replies from behind. The replier then walks next to me to watch the scenery "It will all work out in the end." he says "I hope you are correct God... I hope you are correct.".

First Person Perspective - (Y/N) Fyre

I'm back in my dorm packing up some clothes in a duffle bag, I got a text from Ozpin stating it was a multiple day expedition. An extra pair of clothes, extra mags, and the gloves is all that I packed. "This is going to be hell." I say as there is a knock at my door and a voice speaks up from the other side "Hey (Y/N)! We are all ready to go!" I go over to the door, bag hung around my shoulder, open it to see the whole gang. I notice to see it was Yang that knocked, provided she stepped back when the door opened "Lets hurry up already." I say while closing the door and walking to the right with the others following behind.

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