9 - The Girl In Red

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First Person Perspective - (Y/N) Fyre

It has been about three days since the incident. Got my room knocked on by police as well about two days ago thanks to the damn receptionist, but at least I have some of the things I need in a duffel bag. It's holding my gloves, ammo box, the book on my surroundings, and some clothes but I'm still pissed about the police showing up at my room. "These are going to be some difficult fucking times huh?" I sit up from laying the roof of some shop selling dust I think "Hope something happens soon because it's pretty damn dark." to my luck I hear a familiar voice I haven't heard in a while "I can see you are in a predicament of the sorts?" I stand up and look behind me, I give a little smile "Yeah, kinda got seen by the police." "Must suck." "Better believe it." "But I suggest looking at the front, I'm nearly here to help that is all.". "Look at the front?" I walk over to the roof side where the entrance is to see.. Roman "Holy shit. Been looking for this guy, thanks." I look back at God "You should wait a second actually." "Why? He is right there." "Just wait to see something great happen." "Okay okay fine." I groan in annoyance as I stand there and wait. After about a minute nothing happens "Sooo I'm waiting for nothi-" I hear a loud crash and see something red fly out leaving a trail of petals "Holy fuck." I stare in amazement. Roman comes out with a lot of grunts, a shit ton 'Where the fuck did he get that man- wait.. Junior's nevermind.' "Can I now?" I look back to ask God, he merely nods, I smirk and pull my knife out. Let's play.

I jump down on a grunt stabbing my knife into his head as he crumbles, as he falls I jump forward into a roll to break the fall. "Who the hell is he?!" I hear Roman yelling as grunts surround me "Wait don't tell me." "You better believe it's me." I say giving Roman a smile with a sadistic look in my eyes "Shit! Just kill them both!". A grunt goes for a swipe at my neck from behind as I activate my aura, stopping his blade, I turn around pulling my gun out and point blank shooting his forehead leaving a 9mm hole. The other grunts run in hopefully to catch me under with numbers, but that never mattered in the long run did it? I start slicing and shooting just letting the action seep into my bones, letting my body take over the fight. I just let myself go, having some sadistic fun with blood on my face and a smile to scare most. I'm brought back to consciousness by an explosion where the girl was and one hitting me as well "The fuck!?" I step out of the smoke to see Roman gone and the red figure going up to the roof 'Shit.'. I run over to the side wall and use shadow step to climb the wall switching between running up and shadow step. I reach the top to see Roman throw what I presume as an explosion "Watch out!" I yell to the red figure, I teleport in front of her to take the blast... but I'm not hit. I turn around to see a tall blonde with some magical shield 'Shit that's a glyph which means that is a huntress... I'm totally fucked now aren't I?' Roman leaves into the front of the airship and somebody takes his previous place, I can't see her but apparently her clothes light up or something 'That's some old technique but it doesn't feel like it is in the clothing. Hmm.'. Both the huntress start to fight each other then little red decides to fire bullets at the ship, I take after pulling my gun out I hear a click "Shit!" I quickly reload but it is all in vain because I get pulled by an unknown force as the ground below me explodes. The airship flies away as I get back up, holstering my weapon I curse at myself and hear a voice "You're a huntress? Can I have your autograph?!" I take that as my que to get out as I run to the edge of the building and jump only to smash face first into some force field. "You are going nowhere!" I turn to look at the voice, the blonde one definitely said that "Wellll shit. Can I at least grab my stuff?".

I'm in a room handcuffed to a table "I'll take that as a no." I sigh to myself not knowing if I should run or not 'She would definitely be on my ass and I'd get trapped again.. I'll wait it out.'. I'm in this room for a couple of minutes till the door finally opens and the same blonde walks through as well as some dude in green 'He looks familiar... don't fucking tell me that's who I think it is.' he takes a seat.
"Hello." he says with a smile.
I raise my brow to him clearly not knowing why that was his first choice of word.
"Not much of a talker."
"Considering you saying 'hello' to me is already setting off my wierd guy sensors."
"Well I mean I should be polite at least." he takes a sip of his mug.
'The hell is in that?' "Wierd thing to say to a so called murder." I air quote.
"Well I just wanna ask some questions."
"Hm. Alright shoot."
"Glas to hear it." he flashes a smile "So I mostly want to know who you are. Mostly because we don't have any records on you."
"I'm from out of town."
"That answer will not suffice and there is also no records of anyone ever having two semblances."
"Well can't really lie my way out of this one. Damn."
"Afriad not."
"Well could you tell her to leave." I motion my head to the blonde "She's been glaring daggers at me and I don't need outsiders to see or hear of this."
"Glynda can you please leave."
"But sir-"
"Glynda." he says in a stern tone.
She leave the room.
"Now can we discuss on who you are?"
"Not exactly yet, I'm kinda waiting and hoping someone arrives in this room abruptly about now."
"Yes he is somebody very important and I just don't know about some things that I should tell yo-"
"Yes (Y/N) you can tell him about the Wraiths." God appears to the right side of the table.
"So this is the champion you brought?" the man says to God.
"Wait God you know this guy?"
"Yes I do, since he does work with this world's gods."
"You gotta be fucking kidding."
"The name is Ozpin by the way."
"Okay, I'd shake your hand but I'm a bit-" I shake the cuffs "-tied up."
"So I practically already know about you. I just didn't know what you look like. Good, which makes this quicker than I thought."
"So you are gonna let me go right?"
"Afriad not but I do have a proposition for you."
"Which is?" I say not liking this at all.
"Come to my school."
"HAHAHA oh that is hilarious." I see a calm and serious demeanor on Ozpin's face "Wait you're serious?"
"Well it is either that or death row. Because you are being charged with a lot, specifically murder of the innocent."
"But I didn't kill the innocent, only the White Fang."
"And nobody knows that. But I am willing to help and the school could always use more skill."
"Fuck. You give me no choice huh?" I turn my head to look at God but the bastard isn't there "Oh that son of a bitch."
"So how about it?"
"... Fine, I have no choice anyway and I'd rather not be in more deep shit than I already am with the government."
"Then it's settled. Welcome to Beacon Academy. I expect to see you tomorrow."
"Yeah yeah. Spare me the lecture." I break the cuffs using my aura just as Glynda walked back in.
"Sir watch out!" she traps me in another damn bubble.
"Gkynda let him out. He is joining Beacon."
"Well he gave me no choice. Either clear my name or die. Not choosing death by the way."
"But he is a murderer!"
"Actually I am fucking not. I never killed those innocents. That was the White Fang."
"And how can we be so sure?"
"I really don't give a rats ass what you think of me."
She glares hard at me "Glynda let him out." Ozpin's stern voice came in, she reluctantly let's me out.
"So where are my weapons?"
"At the front I will accompany you to assure that you get them back." Ozpin stands up and leaves as I follow suit. "What is your name? I forgot to ask."
"(Y/N) Fyre."
"Alright now let us get your weapons back."
He gets me my weapons, albeit a bit with some disagreement and I went back to the dust store to grab my duffle bag. After grabbing it I move a bit into the forest to find some nice grass to sleep on. Using my duffel bag as a pillow, I let the darkness overcome my being and fell asleep.
1,585 Words

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