1 - The Start of a New

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A man is crawling toward his desk to grab his gun, he has a bullet wound to the stomach, left shoulder, and right forearm, he gets on his desk hand about to grab the weapon but gets kicked in his side and slides into a wall. He looks up at the man that infiltrated his compound, "No no no no no please spare me!!!", "And why should I do that?" a (H/C) haired, (E/C) eyed boy asked dressed in all black clothing. "I can give you anything you want, but please just don't kill me!!", "Oh and I should just take what I want, leave, and let you start this whole thing again?" the boy asked as no response was given. "Do you know you I am?" the boy asked the man "Y-Y-You're the Reaper of D-Death.", "...Wrong, I'm (Y/N) Fyre, the son of Josh and Destiny Fyre. The people you shouldn't have killed.". He was left in shock "I-I-I... I can't believe you are their ki-" his sentence interrupted by a shot to the head ending the man's life as his body falls to the floor. (Y/N) takes a look around in the man's office as there are bodies scattered about four with bullet wounds, three stabbed to death, two broken chairs, a broken monitor on the desk, and three windows covered by blinds. (Y/N) turns toward the exit holsters his Beretta 92 and walks out of the room.

Entering into the hallway (Y/N) takes a right to leave the compound, now looking at the carnage he has brought to those people. Reaching the end of the hallway he opens the door to the flight of stairs and starts to descend them... floor two... ground floor. Pushing through another door into the lobby and not to his suprise it is just more bodies.. slit throats, headshots, snapped necks.. 'Wow... I need a hobby', he thought as he steps over a bloodied corpse. Finally reaching the entrance he pushes the doors open, as he steps out he takes a deep breath in for some fresh cold air. "... It's finally over... holy fuck I never thought it would end.", (Y/N) takes a right down the city streets, "Huh... pretty empty, I otta go to the store and get a Yoohoo. Y'know to reward myself for all this. . . all four years of it."

After walking down a couple of blocks he sees a convenience store 'Perfect', he walks to the front doors and enters. Nobody was in there besides the cashier because it was about 1:00 am but he preferred it that way. Now walking towards the drinks aisle he searches some doors but finds the Yoohoo at the fourth door. (Y/N) opens the door and grabs the Yoohoo and then after closing the door he walks up to the cashier, putting the Yoohoo down he pulls out his wallet. The cashier scans the Yoohoo "That'll be two dollars and six cents.", he nods his head and pulls out a five dollar bill. Handing it to the cashier he grabs his Yoohoo "Keep the change and stay safe out there.", the cashier smiles and nods his head "You too." is what he heard before going back to the entrance and walking into the cold streets again.

Opening and drinking some Yoohoo he knows all to well that his job isn't over, due to small annoying robbers and such but he doesn't really care since his main mission has been complete... Revenge. He turns to his left back the way he came and taking another left a block after but he stops, hearing a commotion nearby in an alleyway. He hears a man and woman and presumes the worst, drawing his Baretta 92 not wanted to get into a fist fight and just wanting to go home, he runs with his Yoohoo in the left hand to where he heard the sounds. Reaching his destination and walking into the alleyway he was sadly proven right, a man trying to rape someone. (Y/N), wanting to deal with this right away, pulling up his gun at head level with the criminal he calls out "Hey fucker.", the criminal looks to his left as his eyes widen he gets a direct hole in the head. Dropping dead you at least have the decency to walk up closer to the woman to make sure she is okay 'Is she wearing some kinda cloak? Eh whatever none of my business' "Hey are you ok?", "Yeah I am." she responded. "Alright then. Stay safe." he blinks and she is gone 'Wait what the fuck.' rubbing his eyes and looking at the dead guy on the ground (Y/N) knows he is not insane. 'Did she actually just disappear... I'm getting the hell out of here.', he turns around to be met by a women in paladin armor with white wings behind her. "Umm... I'm sorry but who in the fuck are you? Because I know you didn't just disappear on me and go back to the 1600s.", "...", "Okayyy not much of a talker then, I'll just be on my way then.". You take a step forward to leave the alleyway but you hear an unknown voice behind you "Leaving so soon my child.", (Y/N) holds his Baretta 92 at his side expecting a fight "Alright, now you the fuck are you?" he says as he turns around to face the mysterious man. "I am God, here to bring you an offer you will not want to miss."

"... I'm sorry what? Did you just say 'God'.", "Why yes my child I am hi-" "And how in the everloving shit fuck am I supposed to believe that?", the same girl behind you speaks up "Don't you dare speak of him in that manner mere mortal!". (Y/N) turns his head to look at her "What are you gonna do about it, huh?", she grabs at her swords handle on her left hip ready to strike "Alexandria we talked about this before coming to meet him.", the man said. She grimaces and takes her hand off the handle but her face holds a frown, (Y/N) puts his attention back on the man "Look I don't know what you want from me so how about we start there?"
"Excellent idea Mr. Fyre, I have come to you with the offer of saving another world."
"Another world?"
"Yes, see when I created Earth somehow alternate universes appeared, as well as a great evil they call themselves the 'True Order'."
"And what do they want to do exactly?"
"Destroy all life in the multiverse so they can thrive."
"... Wow pretty fuckin pathetic of them if you ask me."
"I can completely agree with that."
"But why do you need me? You can't fight them on your own?"
"Sadly I can't because their leader is almost on par with my ability and there are a lot of them out there."
"That doesn't answer why you need me, a 'mere mortal'."
"Because you have great potential and power residing in you and not only that but you are a very exceptional fighter as well"
"Ha well glad to know someone appreciates my talents.", "Sir shouldn't we hurry this up so he can go to Remnant to start saving the multiverse" Alexandria speaks once again. "Yes we should but I just wanted to talk with the Prodigy before he makes a decision." "So you are trying to warm up to me or somethin, not that I mind." "No, I simply wanted to have a little chat. But now a decision must be made, do you care to help us in this war (Y/N) Fyre?". A long moment passes till (Y/N) says "Sure.", God smiles warmly "Good, I'm glad. But now you must be sent on your way immediately young one, the journey will be treacherous but I am quite sure you will hold your ground.". With a wave of God's arm a blue wormhole portal appears, (Y/N) looks at God seemingly giving a nod, holstering his pistol and stepping forth into the portal. He appears on the other side as he appears on a hillside with a view of a beautiful city... the city of Vale.

1,398 Words

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