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Phayu's Point of View

The next day came and Rain was advised to stay at the hospital for another day. His doctor said that stress is bad for him and it should be avoided.

I am currently feeding him with fruits as he played with his phone.

"Venice! Rain!" Pa Pete immediately made his way to us and hugged me, then Rain. "What happened, sweetie? Are you okay?" Pa Pete's voice was laced with concern and worry.

Rain just smiled at him and said, "Pa Pete, I'm okay. We're okay. It just happened that I have a little monster growing inside of me now for three months already!"

Pa Pete and Pa Vegas looked at Rain, surprised. Pa Vegas accidentally dropped the bouquet of flowers that he was holding and made his way to Rain to hug him.

Rain purred as he was being hugged by my parents. Hmph, too much. It's too much!

"Okay, okay. That's enough hugging, Pa! Rain cannot breathe! He'll be stressed out! The doctor said that stress is bad for the baby." I said to them as I swatted their hands off of my omega.

Pa Pete jokingly smacked my arm. "Oho, Venice! You need to chill, pup. We won't take your omega away from you. Well, only if Rain wants." Pa Pete winked at Rain.

"Stop teasing me, Pa! And you, Pa Vegas! Why are you crying?" I said as I laughed at my Pa. It's my first time seeing him like this. He must be as happy as I am.

"You don't get to laugh at me, Venice! Rain sent me a video of you crying yesterday as well!" He said as Pa Pete wiped his tears. Rain just giggled and hid his phone.

I just shook my head and stared at the scene in front of me. My two Pa's are happy, my omega is happy as well. I never felt this happy and contented in my entire life.

I kissed Rain's forehead and whispered, "Thank you, Rain. Thank you for coming into my life."


May 2023 | ST Hotel

Third Person's Point of View

"P'Phayu! Bring me some pizza! I'm hungry!"

A yell from the presidential suite awakened the hotel owner who was just about to doze off. He immediately made his way to their bedroom and tend to his needy omega.

"But baby, the doctor said—" Phayu was cut off with a loud whine.

"Oho! P', you don't listen to Rain anymore! You don't love Rain anymore!" Rain whined as he started crying.

Phayu became stressed and confused about what he should do. "Shh, shh baby. Don't cry naaa~~~ Let's go to the pizzeria, okay?" The alpha tried to calm the omega down and surprisingly, it worked.

"R-really, P'? *sniffs* O-okay, let's go to the pizza shop now. Me and this little gremlin is hungryyyy~" Rain said as he pointed his hands up to Phayu, signalling him to carry the omega.

The alpha happily obliged and made their way down the hotel. They both made sure that no one will recognize them as they're still famous personas in the industry. Both of them wore a black bucket hat and a mask to cover their faces, in hopes of hiding their identities.

Little did they know that there was a paparazzi who was able to take a photo of the two together.

"Haha, this would make me a fortune!" The man laughed to himself as he took more photos of the couple.


"Phayu, check your social media!" Ma Chen frantically said as Phayu listened to him on the other line.

"Calm down, P'! What's happening?" Phayu asked, still unaware of what has happened.

"You need to see it now! You and Rain were seen together yesterday!" The manager said and Phayu immediately cut off their phone call. Shit, this is bad. Phayu told himself as he scrolled through Twitter, seeing the photos of him and Rain together.

"Fucking Dispatch Thailand! I will make sure that their company will not last a day!" The alpha growled as he finished giving a threat and statement in his twitter post.

He immediately messaged Rain to prevent the omega from getting stressed by the news. Thankfully, he was warned by Sky, his best friend/other manager from the company.

Now, all Phayu has to worry about is the statement from Rain's agency. He immediately contacted the CEO and told him to settle things with the media and the fans. The CEO immediately obliged and the issue was resolved quickly.

Phayu sighed in relief and decided to scroll in his social media. His eyes widened as he saw Rain's tweet on his official twitter account. His baby really doesn't know how to listen to him. But, Phayu smiled to himself as he read the omega's statement regarding their relationship. He scrolled through the comments and was relieved that Rain's fans were supportive and almost no one had a negative reaction about the news.

Phayu was once again relieved and contented. He felt so proud of his omega and happy that the both of them will be able to share the relationship that they have.

The alpha immediately grabbed his things as he made his way out of their compound. His heart full and contented as he thinks about the future that he has with his omega and his pup.

Now that everything has been revealed, thanks to that nosy photographer, the both of them won't have to hide the happiness that they have anymore.

'I'm coming home, my omega. I love you.' was Phayu's one last though to himself as he sped up in driving his car, excitingly going home to his family.

— The End 🐾🌧🌪

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