Panic Attack.

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Alison turns up at my door early the next morning.

“It’s nine in the morning! Why are you awake and standing at my front door?” I ask, as I stand in front of the open door in my pjs.

“I had to ask you something before I went in” she says.

“Okay but hurry up about it, my bed is still calling me” I say.

“My friend is getting married at the weekend and I have a plus one and I thought you might like to come with me?” she asks. Straight away I thought no as I hate weddings and marriages after the horror that was my parents but then the idea of spending the whole day with Alison...

“Yeah okay it’s not like I have anything better to do” I say.

“Great, I’ll pick you up on Saturday about elevenish! And I except to see you wearing a suit” she laughs.

 “Really I have to wear a suit?” I moan.

“Yes it is a wedding Jack! Now must be off I’ll be late Mrs .McCreevy and we all know what she’s like if you’re late...”

“Okay see ya” I call after her as she walks back down the street.

I go back to lying in bed thinking about weddings, I’ve never been to one before well that’s not quite true I was at my parents as they got married when I was a few weeks old but there’s no way I would remember that. Growing up where I did ‘marriage’ always seemed to cause more problems as people getting devoiced often put their kids in care as it’s a hard thing to go through or just neither of the couple want them, and so I’ve never liked the idea of getting married and now I’m going to a wedding. Then to be fair it’s not like I knows these people I’m going as a favour to Alison and I feel bad about lying to her yesterday so I feel like I owe her this. 

Saturday comes and from somewhere I find a suit, I’m just doing my hair when Alison knocks at the door.

“Will you answer that?” I yell from the bathroom.

“It’s Alison” Charlotte yells back. I knew it would be but I don’t say that. I finish up in the bathroom and walk down the stairs to see Alison standing there in a beautiful red dress that hung off her in such a way that I had to stop my mouth from falling open, she looked stunning and with her hair in waves that fell down her back and her glasses perched so perfectly on her small nose.

“Wow” I say, still standing half away up the stairs.

“You don’t look so bad yourself” she laughs. This makes me blush.

“Really you look stunning” I say, coming down the stairs to stand next t her.

“Thank you, now let’s go I don’t want to be late” she smiles. As we sat in her car I found it even harder not to stare at her.

“So what are these people called?” I ask, trying to distract myself.

“Claire and Tom”

“And which one is your friend?” I ask.


“How do you know her?” I ask.

“We went to the same public school” she says.

“Getting married a bit young isn’t she?” I ask.

“No, she’s a few years older than me. She’s twenty two!” she says.

“Oh, well okay”

We arrive at the church and take our sits somewhere near the middle, Alison sees people you knows and starts chatting with them I just sit quietly in my seat.

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