It's Never To Late

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You know when you’re ill and you wake up and some stupid o’clock feeling like shit? Yeah I feel like that. I was right when I thought I was coming down with something, I feel all feverish, shaky and my throat hurts. I try to go back to sleep but I can’t I go into that half sleep/half awake/creepy dream thing you do when you’re ill. When I wake up probably I feel even worse, there’s no way I’m going anywhere near Uni or even getting out of bed for that matter. Charlotte (my adopted mum) comes up when I don’t leave the house and brings me some food which I don’t eat as I feel I will be sick if I do. I spend all day in baggy clothes looking like a even bigger mess than I do normally, watching tv. playing Xbox and drinking masses of tea, but it got late into the evening and I’m nearly asleep but someone bangs on my bedroom door really hard.

“Wha...” I cough. The door opens and Alison rushes in.

“Oh my god you’re okay” she sighs with relief.

“What the fuck?” I manage to get out.

“When you didn’t turn up at Uni I got worried and after our argument yesterday I thought you might have...” I want to give her a hug but I don’t think she’d appreciate it, feeling like I was going to throw up and everything.

“No, just really sick” I cough.

“At least you’re okay. I’m so sorry about yesterday I shouldn’t have pushed you like that” she seems so upset I hug her anyway.

“No I’m sorry, I...” I still had my arms around her.

“Jack you’re shaking” she says.

“Am I hot too?” She strokes my fridge away from me forehead and places her hand on it.

“Yeah you must be running a fever you’re boiling! I wanted to tell you I found something but if you’re feeling too ill...” she says, pulling herself out of my arms so she can get her bag, she got some bits of paper. I take them and try to read but I can’t focus, my eyes just go funny and I start coughing.

“I can’t do this and not just because my head is killing me, I can’t do this, I can’t talk to her, I can’t tell her what I tried to do she’d be so disappointed in me. Alison give it up, nothing is going to work there’s nothing left for me anymore”

“No, I promised and I’m not giving up! But if you feel too ill then I’ll go” she picks up her bag and heads for the door.

“I’ll speak to you tomorrow then”

“Wait” I say, but she’s already gone.

 It's very late by the time I get anywhere near sleep, as with all the horrible dreams and thoughts that go through my head and just to top it off I’m ill with a fever. Tonight everything seemed so bad and I feel so ill I wondered if I should just get up and jump in front of that bloody train but I can’t, for once in my life someone wants to help me I can’t throw it away even if they’d never win I have to let them try.

Again I'm awake early in the morning unable to sleep anymore and feeling even worse than before, I feel hot then cold I’m sure my fever is getting worse and to top it off I can’t stop coughing. Though it was pitch black outside there’s still a little bit of light in my room coming from the TV or the laptop or something I can see the pieces of paper Alison had left, I drag myself over to them and try to read them by the light of my laptop. There were names of cemeteries I guess all the closest ones and it makes me want to cry as no one has ever put effort into something for me before. It makes me feel even worse about how I’d treated Alison she has tried to help me and I have just pushed her away, I need fix this.

I lay in bed till about ten so I can call Alison and tell her I was sorry.

“Hello?” she asks sleepily.

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