She Needs Me

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Alison drove us to the zoo through we’d talked and laughed a bit on the way she hadn’t said anything about Marco and I think maybe something had happened she’s not telling me about. I’ve never been to a zoo before so Alison wants to show me everything and she did. I saw Lions, Tigers, monkeys and elephants but after lunch she sat down a bench and put her head in her hands and began quietly sobbing.  

“Alison what’s wrong?”

“I don’t know anymore” she sighs.

“Do want to talk about it?” I ask, sitting down beside her.

“He...Marco cheated on me” she sound as though she was about to cry so I put my arms around her.

“He did what?”

“He said he regretted doing it the second after he did it, but he was angry with me and know I don’t know what to do” she said, leaning back into my arms.

“Being angry with you is no, no excuse for cheating!” I say.

“I know but Jack I still care about him I don’t want to let him go” she’s nearly crying now.

“Why was he so angry with you? That could make him what to do that?” I ask.

“He, He was mad at me for spending so much time with....with you” and suddenly I feel guilty, could it me my fault she's so upset?

“And before you go blaming yourself, he was being stupid, he doesn’t understand” she’s crying now.

“But that’s still no reason” I say.

“No I know, but I don’t know what to do. He said he regrets it and maybe I’m stupid for believing him but Jack I like him so much I don’t want to let go” she’s crying into my shoulder now with my arms still around her. It’s strange now that our places have switched, now she's the one who was upset and needs me to talk to.

“Alison if he’s going to do that to you every time he gets a little mad at something stupid, is he worth that?” I ask.

“No, no courses he’s not” she wipes her eyes with her sleeve.

“Look on the bright side we can both be depressed together” I smile.

“Thanks Jack” then she leans over and gives me a kiss on the cheek! 

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