Luke's POV

I sit at the airport, my knee bouncing up and down. I wasn't sure what I was feeling as of now. I'm not sure if its excitement or just myself being nervous.

Today's a big day. Spencer is finally coming home from America. I haven't seen her for almost a whole year. Well, that's really an exaggeration, it's only been about 4 months.

Yesterday, December 30th, was her 18th birthday. She was told once she turned 18, she and Harley could return to Australia.

I feel my phone begin to vibrate. Thinking it was Spencer; I reached into my pocket and pulled it out.

L- "Spencer?!" I answer.

C- "Try, Calum."

L- "Oh. Sorry, Cal. What's up?"

C- "Shay's having the baby."

L- "What?!"

C- "Yeah, I'm leaving the house now. Spencer hasn't landed yet?"

L- "No. She should be here soon though."

C- "Feel free to bring Harley and Spencer along with you when you get here. I have to go."

L- "Alright, bye Calum."

L- "Bye mate."

I hang up the phone and shove it back into my pocket. I feel really bad but, I'm really happy at the same time. I felt almost as if I was guilty of something. I want to be with my sister so bad but, I haven't seen my girlfriend in four months.

I look at the clock that hung on the wall beside me. 11:30. In thirty minutes it'll be the year 2015. The year my niece and nephew will be born in, the year and Calum and Shay get married, and most likely the year of our second album.

Who knows, maybe even along the line, Ashton or Mike will become a husband or an unexpected father. Hell, even I could end up being a husband or an unexpected father.

Hopefully, if I do, it'll be with Spencer. I wouldn't want to have a child with or be married to anyone else but her. I love her so much, I don't even think I could begin to explain.

I sigh as I begin to fumble around with my fingers. Damn, although I'm extremely excited, it's sooo boring just sitting here. I would play with my phone but, it's on 10% and I don't want it to die before Spencer gets here.

I lean backward and close my eyes seeing I was becoming tired. Within a couple of seconds, I feel someone sit down next to me. Not really caring, I continue to keep my eyes closed in attempt to sleep.

The person began to have a conversation;

"Are you excited to see him, Har?" She asks who I assume was her son.

"Mhm. Are you?" The young boy replies.

"I'm very excited to see him. I've missed him so much." She answers, her voice cracking a bit. The two beside me are quiet for awhile and I begin to fall asleep.

Suddenly, I feel someone lean against me. My eyes shoot open to see who had decided to use me as their human pillow. I carefully move their head and adjust myself so I'm looking at them.

My eyes widen as I find myself staring into glasses that belonged to the most perfect person in the world.

"Spencer?" I whisper.

"Hey, Lukey." She smiles.

"Oh my God, I've missed you so much." I say, bringing her into my arms.

"I've missed you too Luke." She mumbles into my chest.


"Yeah?" She replies.

"I love you so fucking much."

"Hey! Swear word!" I hear Harley hiss.

Spencer and I share a laugh and quickly begin our conversation again.

"I love you even more Lukey."

*3 Hours Later*

Shaylee's POV

"You're doing great Miss. Hemmings. Just one more and we'll have baby A out." One of the doctors announces. I groan and throw my head back in frustration.

Calum stood on the right of me while Kimberley stood to my left. Michael on the other hand, had passed out and was taken outside to the hallway. No, this is not a joke. I watched him with my own two eyes, fall to the ground and pass out. To be honest it was actually kind of funny.

The doctor counts to three and with all the strength I could gather, I push. Within seconds I hear the sweet cry of my baby. "Baby number one is a boy." The doctor announces. I look up to Calum and he smiles at me, a tear slowly rolling down his cheek.

He leans down and kisses my head head, "I love you so much." He whispers.

"I love you too Cal." I reply.

"Alright, on 3 I want you to push again, Shaylee. 1..... 2..... 3..... Push Shay."

For the second time, I use any strength that I could still have and push. "You're doing great, hun. The baby's head is out." One of the nurses say.

"One more big push on 3, Shay. 1..... 2..... 3..... Push." I do as the doctor says, and push just as hard as the first time.

A couple of seconds later I hear the cries of yet another baby. "Baby number 2 is a girl."

This whole process repeated once more as I delivered my final baby which was yet another boy. My poor baby girl was going to be living in a house full of boys. I feel so bad for her. Although, that happened to me too.

The doctor begins to talk before leaving me and Calum to our new little babies. "Congrats you two. All of your children are healthy and are perfect. Baby number one was born on January 1st 2015 at 2:58 am, Baby number two was born on January 1st 2015 at 3:01 am, and Baby number three was born on January 1st 2015 at 3:04 am. Now if you can just write down their names for me, that would be great."

Calum grabs the clip board from the doctor and looks to me, "What should we name them Shay?" He chuckles.

After a couple minutes of discussion we finally agreed on;

Baby A- Lucas Jay Hood

Baby B- Harmony Nicole Hood

Baby C- Andrew Jay Hood

That was our family.


Alright guys, I hope you all enjoyed Chapter 20 of Baby Daddy!!

I just want to let you all know THIS IS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER OF BABY DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explanation for late chapter- Okay so, I am slowly developing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and it is getting extremely hard for me to even move my whole left arm. So, imagine how hard it is to type up a chapter. I also just finished up school and graduated from the 8th grade! Yay High School! (please note the sarcasm there). Again I am super sorry for the extremely late update! Updates will be a lot faster now that there isn't school anymore!

Thank you SO much for 13K this is amazing! I didn't expect this book to have as many reads as it has.

Love You Guys Xx

Baby Daddy c.t.h.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon