53 - The Finale

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Hiro stood at a crossroads. Once again, his life would change forever after this day.

Either he would be free...

Or lost forever.

~~ July 17, 2019 ~~
~ The Alleys ~

"No..." Hiro whimpered.

Akari, who should've been in jail, and Konami, who he didn't even know about until an hour ago, stood in front of him. And behind him was Mei, a dead woman walking.

"I brought everybody back together again!" Konami clapped cheerfully. "I found Mei, bandaged her up, and broke Akari out! It's a shame Yanemi can't join us, but what can you do?"

"...no...this can't be happening..." Hiro muttered to himself, clutching his head.

He looked back and forth, but no matter how many times he blinked and looked again, they were still there. All three of them were real.

Hiro felt his breathing pick up rapidly, his vision blurring. His heart was pounding at a pace that he hadn't felt until that first time he was tied up.

This couldn't be real.

Why was this real?

Was this even real? Hiro could barely think. His heart thumped in his ears as his head was met with a drilling pain which continuously ached. His thoughts were barely forming into halfway sentences and structures.

His mind was falling into a dark void devoid of free will.

"I know, it's scary Hiro." Konami spoke. "You've been running for so long. But you don't need to do that anymore. We can live comfortably, unafraid, for the rest of our lives."

He didn't want to be scared anymore.

He didn't want to run anymore.

He didn't want to flinch every time he was touched anymore.

He didn't want to have a heart attack at the idea of love anymore.

"Come with us, Hiro." Akari said. "We will keep you safe."

He didn't want to hurt anymore.

They started to walk closer to him, closing in on his position slowly. He didn't even notice that the space he had in the alleyway was shrinking.

"You won't need to do anything." Mei added. "We will take care of every issue. No one will ever hurt you again."

He didn't want to think.

He didn't want to do anything, really.

He was empty.

Just like before.

Maybe he shouldn't live.

Maybe he should just quit.

Give up.

Let them do the thinking.

Let them do the working.

The School Idols (Yandere Harem)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя