42 - The Fallen

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Hiro held right onto her neck, staring at her. He actually did it. His grip loosened, before he tightened it once more.

No. It ends now.

~~ July 15, 2019 ~~
~ Yanemi Giyo's Floor ~

Sora and Akari crept through the floor. They slowly made their way across the wooden floorboards, careful to not let any squeak. Whether Yanemi and her daughter were asleep or not, they couldn't afford to make a sound.

Akari led the way with her knife, peaking around corners before continuing to move as Sora followed. He wondered what Akari was planning for Yanemi's daughter.

He hoped it wasn't what he thought. But at the same time, he didn't want there to be another Yanemi. The world would be better off without a second.

They made it past the kitchen and found a hallway with multiple doors. They slowly opened the first one, only to find an empty room.

'Strange.' Sora thought. 'The lock is on the outside of the room.'

They entered it to fully make sure. It seemed to be empty. As they walked around the room, Sora winced as his foot hit the dresser. A photo frame shook with the short vibration of the dresser, before toppling down and crashing against the floor.

The two froze at the sudden sound. They waited, straining their ears and listening for any possible sound of another person, but the floor remained silent.

Akari sent a silent glare towards Sora, before approaching him.

"You stay here." Akari quietly hissed. "We can't afford any mistakes. I'll end her tonight."

She left him alone in the room, quietly moving out and through the door. She knew that Sora was going to be a liability. Only reason she brought him along was because he's the one who figured out Yanemi played her in the first place.

So she had listened to his wish. But she had her limits. She wasn't going to let him mess her up and let her lose this chance. This was the one moment.

If this failed, this wouldn't work even if they tried again. Yanemi was simply too smart of an opponent to attempt the same plan. Either this worked, or they'd have to find another way.

She wasn't sure if another way existed.

Akari slightly opened the next door. There was a small someone under the covers, lightly sleeping. The room seemed like it belonged to a child, with various toys strewn around in a light mess. This must be Yanemi's daughter's room.

Yanemi was the priority. She could take care of the disgusting offspring after.

Akari crept towards the next door. She slowly opened it, and this had to be Yanemi. She could see a lump under the blankets, larger than the one beforehand.


Akari slowly moved across the room, quietly making her way to the bed. Each step was taken with precise calculation so that minimal sound was heard. She was silent, creeping towards her former employer. Now, Yanemi was the target.

Akari stood above the lump, reveling in her victory. This was it. She slammed her knife down, feeling as it sunk deep into the flesh. She pulled it out, blood coating the end of the knife, before she continued to repeatedly stab the body through the covers.

The School Idols (Yandere Harem)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang