27 - The Arrival

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~Beginning of Act 2 - American Psycho

She stepped outside of the airport, stretching from the long flight. She has finally made it to Massachusetts, America. She was studying overseas at Harvard, starting in a couple weeks.

Her parents were so proud of her. She didn't have the heart to tell them it was because of another reason. It was all part of her plan to find out what happened all those years ago.

                     ~~ April 30, 2019 ~~
                        ~ Workfit Gym ~

The gym was as busy as usual. A black haired, glasses wearing teenager pushed the bar upwards, bench pressing 110 pounds. He brought it down to his chest, before pushing it back up.

Behind him was a slightly older, messy blond-haired man with many piercings on his ears. He was quite attractive, and many women frequented the gym just to see him. This made him the most popular gym coach at Workfit. However, he only knew how to teach men, like his current student.

The black-haired teenager struggled as he pushed it up one final time. He tried to bring it back down, but couldn't get the strength to do it safely. The blond-haired man grabbed the bar, setting it back onto the rack.

"How many reps...?" The black-haired teenager asked.

"23." The blond-haired man smiled. "Increase of one since last week."

"James, I feel like I'm barely making any progress." The black-haired teenager squeezed his arm. "I don't feel like I have any muscles."

"Don't worry, you're making progress." James smiled. "Muscle-building takes a long time. And you've only been with us for a couple months, and you've gotten up to 110."

"Yeah..." The black-haired teenager sighed. "Well, I already can tell I'm going to be sore for today, and that was the first exercise. What's next?"

"A superset of hammer curls and rack chins." James stated.

"Ugh, I hate rack chins." The black-haired teenager replied.

"Trust me, I do too." James laughed.

For the next hour, James continued to help the black-haired teenager with his workout, until they finally finished it.

"I feel so weak...I don't think I'm ever going to get used to it." The black-haired teenager sighed.

"You will, one day." James replied. "But you will always feel a little weak after a good workout."

"Well, thanks for the help." The black-haired teenager smiled. "I have to go back home. I have someone who wants me back soon."

"Go ahead, you're done for today." James stated. "And I'll see you in a couple days."

"Got it!" The black-haired teenager nodded, running out of the Workfit gym.

James smiled as he watched his student go away, before stretching. He felt all of the eyes of the women around him trail over to him, making him feel uncomfortable with all of the attention. He better go before one tries something.

With his final lesson of the day done, James walked outside with only a tank top and shorts, his defined muscles out in the open to see.

He wiped the sweat off of his head. Before he headed back to his home, he should get a nice cool drink. He walked over to the Starbucks by the Workfit gym, entering in and ordering a cold drink.

He sat in a booth, drinking his drink in the nice, cool, air conditioned Starbucks. He plugged in a single airpod, listening to music as he drank the cold drink. As he was occupied with that, a young woman took the seat across from him.

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