18 - The Realization

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Sora glanced towards the empty seat. For the first time, Hiro had missed school. Maybe he was just sick? Maybe Sora was overthinking things. However, he couldn't help but feel like it was more than just a common sickness, and the endless possibilities made his stomach churn.

                     ~~ April 15, 2014 ~~
                 ~ The Himitsu Home ~

Hiro sat in his dark room, curled up in a hall in the middle of the corner. He couldn't sleep last night, and dark eye bags made his face look pale and gaunt. He tried to forget, but his mind always trailed back to the events of yesterday.

He whimpered to himself, alone and afraid. He never would have thought she'd do something like that. He didn't think she liked him that way. Now he noticed he didn't see the flags on the earlier days.

Now it was too late. Something incredibly precious from his was stolen. He'd never get it back. He felt dirty, disgusting, violated. He squirmed in his own skin.

A chill ran down his spine as his mind wandered back to the event once more. He had realized something, being stuck in his thoughts all night. He realized that this wasn't over.

Yanemi was a yandere, like the ones in manga and anime. But she was worse. She was real. And just because Hiro liked yandere stories didn't mean he wanted to live one.

Especially after yesterday.

His stomach growled. He should probably eat. But he didn't want to. He just wanted to sit here and continue to sit here until he grew old and rotted away.

His stomach growled at him once more, vibrating in pain. He sighed to himself, shakily standing up and stumbling his way downstairs to the kitchen. He grabbed himself some cereal, before sitting down and eating it while staring out into the distance.

What was he going to do? He never wanted to do that with Yanemi again. He hated it. But she was the daughter of one of the most powerful people in Japan. She had money, influence, and with how crazy she was he doubted she'd leave him alone soon. What did he do?

Could he convince his family to move? What would be the chances she'd chase him? Knowing yanderes, it's be a high chance.

Tears started to well up on his eyes, dripping down onto his cereal and mixing with the milk. What was he supposed to do?

He stumbled over to the sink, before puking out the meal he just had. He couldn't stomach it. The milk reminded him of yesterday, and his stomach was already churning.

It growled at him once more, but he refused to feed it anymore. He needed to distract himself, get away from all of these thoughts he couldn't get out of his head.

He slowly walked over to the living room, landing onto the couch with a loud thud. For a moment he just laid there in silence, before weakly grabbing the remote and putting some random channel on.

It didn't help distract him. He needed something he found interesting. He flicked through the channels, before stopping on Kiken's current news.

"Hold up everybody, he just got some huge news." The reporter stated. A big story was about to come on, intriguing Hiro.

His blood ran cold. He froze as he stared into the screen, reading the words displayed at the bottom.

"Uddoforu Academy's Star Baseball Captain Daisuke Yamamoto found murdered." It read.

"Oh god." The reporter gasped, looking at the report. "A teenager was found brutally murdered. They had been stabbed countless times, before their body parts were cut into separate pieces and deposited in a trash bag, which was only discovered because of the disgusting smell. Detectives have concluded this cruel incident happened yesterday evening."

The School Idols (Yandere Harem)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ