38 - The Kidnapping

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Saki gasped awake to a ceiling. She sighed, sitting up and holding her throbbing head. Why was it hurting so badly? Was this a so-called hangover? But she didn't even drink alcohol. What happened..?


She was driving Hiro, after rescuing him from Mei. And after she went to a gas station, she returned to the car, only for...

Hiro's wide eyes.

Something hit her from behind.

No, not something. Someone.


~~ July 15, 2019 ~~
~ ??? ~

How long had she been out? She had no idea. There wasn't a clock nor a calendar in this room. Well, a calendar would have only been helpful if the day was marked.

Everything on her was gone other than the clothes she was wearing. Her phone had disappeared, along with the other items in her pockets.

She looked around the room, analyzing every detail of it clearly. It was a fairly simple, yet comfortable room. There was the bed she was sat in, which felt quite nice and soft, along with a drawer next to it, and a closet. Other than that, there was only two doors and a window.

Saki stood up and moved over to the window, moving the blinds in front of it out of the way, revealing bright sunlight. She shielded her eyes, trying to look outside.

Well, she certainly wasn't where she was before. Saki had been moved from basically the middle of nowhere to the middle of a city. A familiar looking city, actually.

Due to the height in which the window laid, she was able to see a lot of the city from above. People and cars moved across the roads and sidewalks, looking like ants from this room.

This city was very familiar as Saki looked over it. And that's when she realized she knew this place. How could she not?

Kiken City. She was back in Japan. Where she had lived up until moving to America for college and her ulterior motives. Where her brother, Sora, and her parents lived.

Oh shit.

Saki was now panicked. Considering she was knocked out and brought here, there was only one person that she could think of who would be responsible.

She tried to open the window, but it wouldn't budge. If she tried to break it...well, there wasn't exactly a lot of places she could go from here. And it would likely alert her kidnapper, should she be here in the building.

She'd have to try something else.

Saki moved over to the bed stand, opening up multiple drawers, but nothing laid within them. She then moved over to the drawer, but the only thing in there was a simple bath robe.

She then tried the first door, which opened to a medium-sized bathroom. A shower, bathtub, sink, and toilet was inside here, with a couple of towels in a drawer. But that was all.

Upon trying the next door, to no surprise she found it was locked. This was the door that led to the rest of this floor, whatever this floor was. Saki rattled the doorknob a couple more times, but it still wouldn't work.

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