8 - The Confusing Emotions

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Yanemi couldn't sleep. She stared at the roof of her room, eyes wide open. She didn't understand it. Why did every time she close her eyes the face of that random boy pop into her mind?

And why did his date with Akari annoy her so much?

~~ April 10, 2014 ~~
~ Uddoforu Academy~

Yanemi stumbled out of her limo. Her hair was slightly frazzled, but only the most observant of watchers would notice. Yanemi's hair was usually perfect, fitting for a perfect girl. But today...a strand or two was out of place.

Yanemi covered up the bags under her eyes with some light makeup. It made her look like it was any other day, and not like she couldn't fall asleep.

All night, that encounter flashed through her mind. She just couldn't get it out of her head, and before she knew it? It was morning.

It was all so confusing. She's never felt this way before. Never has a moment kept her so restless in the night. Not even that time she was kidnapped two years ago.

As she walked to her first class, she unconsciously started to look for Hiro. Any black haired, glasses wearing boy got a second glance from her. It made some of the boys excited, noticing her eyes darting towards them.

Unfortunately, they weren't the one she was looking for. After a confirmation that it wasn't Hiro, she didn't spare them another gift.

"Yan-yan!" Called someone, running over. The loud girl happily skipped to her friend.

"Yes?" Yanemi smiled, turning towards her friend.

This girl's name was Hana Oen, the closest girl to Yanemi. She was a bona-fide gyaru, with yellow hair and green-dyed tips in single tail on the left of her head. A red star and a green crescent moon sat under her right, pink eye, and Yanemi was sure the girl painted them on every morning with great precision. An ice cream pin sat in her hair.

Yanemi had to admit, Hana wasn't her first pick to be her "best friend". After all, she was a gyaru. Not that there was anything wrong with gyarus, and they were pretty popular, but Yanemi usually couldn't stand them. A little too cheerful.

However, Hana had pushed her way into Yanemi's life with her cheerful attitude, and Yanemi really enjoyed her company now. She never would have expected that, with Hana's incredible energy and social butterfly attitude. Hana was the one person which Yanemi could show some of her "less-perfect" sides to.

Hana was quite the cute gyaru, having captured the hearts of many students. While not considered an Idol, she was right under there on the social ladder.

I'm fact, if she wasn't always standing next to Yanemi, who was so stunning she could be compared to a goddess, then maybe Hana would have been named an idol.

Hana looked at her friend. "Is...everything alright?" She asked after a moment. Hana was one of those incredibly observant people. She noticed the small details many didn't.

"Ah, everything's fine." Yanemi smiled her fake-smile, a perfectly practiced way to dissuade any suspicions.

Hana was almost convinced, but she couldn't get that sneaking suspicion away. But for now, she'd drop it.

"Okay!" Hana grinned. "Come on! We'll be late!"

Hana grabbed Yanemi's arm, dragging her to their first class together. But as Yanemi was dragged, her mind couldn't help but wander to Hiro once more.

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