3 - The Idol's Hints

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The rest of the day for Hiro was quite normal. No more encounters with any idols or jealous glares from his classmates.

It was relieving. Hiro didn't really like attention. He didn't have a reason, he was just born introverted. He did appreciate his new friend Sora though, even if the he mostly liked being alone.

"Alright man, see you tomorrow!" Sora waved off, heading to Baseball practice.

"See you." Hiro replied, lightly putting his hand up.

Hiro started to head back to his house, now alone. He took a deep breath, taking in the afternoon air. Maybe he would take a stroll through a park before he went home. It was quite nice out, the cool spring air flowing against his skin.

"Himitsu?" Somebody asked, causing Hiro to lightly jump in surprise. He turned around, seeing Akari Sumiko behind him and smiling at him.

'She's back...' He thought to himself. He looked around, trying to see if any other students were walking the direction they were. Luckily, it seemed they were alone.

"I'm surprised you remember my name." Hiro replied, looking back to Akari.

"Of course I did." She brightly smiled. "I have to remember my classmate's names."

'That's not the main reason though...' She thought to herself. 'I could never forget the name of my soulmate!'

Keep in mind that these two still only new each other for one day. The Sumiko's belief in fate was quite strong.

"Are you walking home?" She asked.

"Yeah, I am." Hiro replied. "What about you?"

"I'm heading over to a friend's." She smiled.

Except, this was a lie. She wasn't heading to any friend's house, not today. Her house was actually in the opposite direction. The only reason she came this way was because she spotted Hiro. She had then secretly slipped away from everybody else, following him secretly.

'I'd say I was heading home, but then I couldn't bring him to my home later without revealing I was lying...' She inwardly thought.

"Want to walk together?" Akari asked. 'I can find out where he lives!'

"Sure." Hiro shrugged, not thinking much about it.

'Yes! Score!' Akari inwardly cheered to herself.

They started to walk in silence. While Hiro didn't feel anything about this, Akari could barely keep her blush under control as her heart feverishly pumped.

'I'm walking right next to him to his house!' She inwardly cheered. 'If only this was so he could introduce me to his parents as his girlfriend!'

A dopey smile started to grow on her face as her mind wandered into her fantasy. Hiro looked at her in the corner of his eye, lightly amused.

'She's not as perfect as everybody thinks...' He thought to himself. 'Usually she seems so polite and nice...wonder what she's thinking about to be so genuinely happy.'

If he could read minds, he might have been freaked out that a girl he met earlier that day was fantasizing them getting married.

'Oh no!' She thought to herself. She felt the heat start to gather in her lower half, her legs starting to feel weaker. 'Is this...?!'

They continued to walk in silence, Akari fighting to keep her blush and lewd daydreams away. She couldn't be scaring off her future boyfriend!

"Hey." Hiro suddenly said. "How hard is it being an Idol?"

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