50 - The Confrontation

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Konami jumped, letting out a little gasp. She brought her hands to her stomach, feeling a sticky liquid cover them. As she pulled them away to see crimson blood drenching her hands.

"Y-you..." Konami stumbled backwards.

~~ July 17, 2019 ~~
~ The Sawai Home ~

"End of the line, Konami." Yakumo stated. "I've learned about what you and my daughter have done."

She stumbled backwards more, her face morphing into furious anger.

"It's over." He declared, aiming the gun at her again.

She suddenly jumped up, thrusting herself backwards and crashing through the window as Yakumo pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed past her face as she fell out of the house.

Yakumo walked over to the window, keeping his gun trained on it as he peeked out and looked downwards. And to his astonishment, there wasn't a trace of Konami, other than the shattered glass and a few drops of blood.

Unfortunately, not enough for a trail.

"What the hell?" He muttered, before turning to Sora. "Hey, are you alright?"

"Mostly..." Sora muttered. "She got me in the leg."

Yakumo looked at Sora's leg, where a red puddle of blood had started to pool together under one of his legs. He pulled the pants of the leg upwards, seeing a nasty gash where Konami has run the knife through.

"I'll do what I can for now." Yakumo stated, pulling out some gauze tape and wrapping up the injury. "Then I'll get you to the hospital."

"B-but, Konami..." Sora weakly argued.

"She's made an enemy of the CEO of Giyo Enterprises, along with now having a bullet in her stomach." Yakumo countered. "Even her status as the daughter of Chiyo Corp's CEO won't save her now."

"...thank...you..." Sora barely replied as Yakumo bandaged the wound, flinching as the gauze tape came into contact with the gash.

"Now come on." Yakumo picked him up in a bridal carry. "We're getting you there quick."

. . .

Hiro stopped in the alleyway, staring forwards. Mei quietly entered behind him, watching as he simply stood there, motionless.

Saki stood a little further back, barely peeking around the corner as Mei stared at Hiro. Why had Hiro stopped? What was going on?

And then he turned around, staring straight into Mei's eyes.

Saku quickly pulled her head away, heart pounding as she stood against the wall, trying to listen to them.

"Mei." Hiro greeted.

"Hiro." Mei smiled. "I missed you."

"I didn't." Hiro replied.

"What?" Mei took a step back in surprise.

"You...you locked me up." Hiro muttered. "I thought maybe you were different. Clearly I was a fool."

"Hiro..." Mei's gaze sharpened. "You can take that back. Come with me, Hiro. I'll give you one more chance. We can live happily together for the rest of our life."

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