Chapter Seventy-Seven

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"I'm no angel alright! But fuck it! I'm saving you now!" she firmly stated. "I agree! I fucked up but now, let's move, Dezono, he's here with more armoured men, we must move."

My face turned to face, her, my blue eyes lingering from the strands of my wet hair hanging over my face. "Let him come," I said calmly.

He had done enough, I was going kill him this time, along with whoever was coming for me! I was not afraid! I pulled out her car keys from my pants pocket. "Here, get out of here," I said.

I was done, running. Her forehead wrinkled. "Save yourself and...about the money to fix your apartment, you go to Fion section, Cloud street, in Monet gym, ask for Morgen and tell him, Hyphen the pigeon sent you, tell him I said he should give you my remaining money from the FL200,"

"No!" her voice sounded shaky but firm.


"I'm fuckin not leaving you Hyphen, no!" holding my arm. "We're both getting out of here, now won't you start putting on some energy, I can't carry you up alone!"

I stared at her. "You have to work with me, please,"

Her forest green eyes on my mine. My hand reached for her face, unlike Zoe's diamond shape face, hers was a heart shape. Soft, she was soft, slim and 1.7m but strong. "So, you knew my name all along?" her hand holding my hand that cupped her jaw gently.

Warm, delicate and...and alive, they felt on my cold, rough and...scarred hand.

"Yes," she softly replied, her hand moving my hand off her jaws, gently, shifting her eyes off mine. "You're hurt."

Her hand taking my left bloody hand into her hand, pressing the sack of bank notes in her hands, on it. "You'll stain your bank notes," I warned her, moving my hand off her hands.

A tense feeling whirling around us. She had sold me for a sack of bank notes to Kukri and that would never change. She too knew that.

I helped myself up. She held my arm, allowing me to use her for balancing. I grimaced through the pain. Her hands loosening from my arm. "You good?" she asked, worry in her eyes.

"Yeah, I'll mange," I replied, moving my shoulders and fingers.

I was good. The sound of footsteps suddenly caught our eyes. "Come on let's go," she said, picking the steel rod, that Kukri was planning to stab me with.

She led me to the direction, she had merged from. I followed her, but my eyes met the figures above the building. My hand quickly pulled Joe to the wall as bullets were fired at us.

I quickly kicked the full metal garbage can, beside us forward, knocking the figure that had emerged before us, carrying a G36. The garbage hit his knees, causing him to tumble down, before us. "AAH!" he screamed.

"Huh!" Joe yelled, digging the rod on his face, blood splashing on the wet ground. Second kill. More bullets were fired at us. "Fuck,"

My hand pulled Joe and headed back up the narrow street. "Found them!" one deep foreign voice could be heard from a distance.

There was no way were going to make it out, not on that route. 

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