Chapter Sixty-Three

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My boots moved up the empty narrow street. My eyes glancing at the plastic bag with Grena's hand. It was infested with flies and the blood was starting to turn black and smelly. I shut it close.

It wouldn't stay another day, I needed to deliver it to Agore today. Hopefully getting Zoe's killer also, then I could finally...finally go back to fix things with Morgen. "Hyphen!" the familiar voice yelled.

I intentionally ignored him, my right hand pulling the fence before me open, going through the huge hole. "Hey!" his voice sounded near and between gasps.

I moved upright at the other side, proceeding to move walk away. I could clearly see him, bend over the fence. I clearly didn't want to talk to him. When was it, running away from someone. A grin escaped my lips.

Fuck him, my feet starting to run. "HEY! YOU BASTARD!" he yelled also running after me. His grey coat, hung over his arm.

A scruffy, gentlemen, I thought. Such a crook. My left hand reached for the ladder hanging from the old wall filled with graffiti that was beside me, easily climbing up, taking me back to when I was a teenager. Running and jumping from one building to the next.

My body moved in the air, a chilly breeze from the autumn breeze tracing my skin. My boots landing on the roof of the building. I glanced back, seeing him also climbing faster than I had thought.

Okay, someone had stamina. I began running, my hand gripe on the two plastic bags tightened, reaching the edge of the building. I jumped, landing on the second building. Adrenaline already rushing through my body. A soft laughter escaped my lips, running for the next. Slowly taken back to when I was fourteen years old.

Finally climbing out the wall, running after Sarina, who was already entering the front seat from the grey car.

Andy, behind me. My hand finally reaching the cold door handle, entering. Andy also had also entered, pushing me as I moved to the far end. He had shut the door. "You both in?" Sarina had asked.

"Yeah,"" Andy had quickly replied, fear reeking all around him.

The car had then drove away. A muscular built man, chocolate skinned, scar on his chin and a bloodshot eye, had been the driver. He had seemed to be in his late twenties. His striking hazel eyes meeting mine from the rear-view mirror, quickly I had looked away.

"Let's go babe," Sarina had said.

The chocolate skinned man had nodded, driving the car away, away from the hell hole.

I finally stopped, my eyes running around. My senses all heightened all of the sudden. The yells, chatter and laughter from people below filling my ears perfectly. Stray dogs barking and cats meowing also hearing them.

His right hand moved up and waved at me. What was happening? Was I seeing...

~ ~ ~

"Hyphen!" the familiar voice faded in my ear, my eyes still on the familiar figure on the busy road. A car drove past. He vanished. My world coming back to a wide shot. What the fuck? What was going on? Did I just see...

"Hey!" his hand touching my shoulder.

I quickly snapped out my buzzing head, turning to face the skinny man beside me. Gasping, while his left hand rested on his knee. "Why took off like that?" he asked between gasps.

"Just leave me alone," I finally spoke, shifting my eyes back on the busy street.

He was gone, strange...

"You haven't even heard my proposal just to shut me out," he said.

"I don't need your help," I replied, jumping to the next building.

He followed, jumping after me. "Silvestro is a discrete place! You can't just pop up and start asking questions, you need to have connections!" he yelled, both his hands holding his knees. I immediately stopped walking. "Where will you even start looking in such a big city?"

I turned to face him.

"You need me!"

"You're right, that is why you'll give me the location," I said moving toward him.

A soft rude laughter left his lips. "You don't listen, don't you? The moment you ask about that stupid button with blood, you'll be a target!"

"Maybe I enjoy being a target," I harshly replied, my hand roughening his shirt. "Why care if I die? huh? What's your gain on this? You helped me with my wounds and want to help me get to this Silvestro? Why? Why four eyes?"

"Because I don't want to die!" he yelled, his hands holding my arm. "I help you and you keep me safe."

"You fuckin crazy," I said not believing my ears. I let go of his shirt, walking away.

What had I been thinking, listening to a man who worked with the death. "I need you to kill them for me!" he yelled, running after me. "You are a fighter! I saw the way you killed those three men who tried mugging me! You were like a rapier! I'm certain you can also kill those after me!"

"Go back to Ridge mortuary and go attend the death," I rudely stated.

"You mean yourself?" he rudely asked.

My forehead frowned, my grip on the plastic bag tightening, turning to face him. "What did you say?" I asked between gritted teeth.

"We're both dying, both of us Hyphen Wen, we are dying,"

My forehead frowned. "H...How you know my last name?"

He stared at me, no respond. "How the fuck did you know my last name?! Answer me!" I demanded the answer, roughening his shirt.

"The familiar scent is the one that knows your weakness, don't trust the world, it's not true," he spoke coldly.

My eyes widened. Chills running through my spine. Cold breeze blowing my hair. Immediately taken to when I was fourteen years.

A week after we had escaped the Hawker Orphanage and Boarding school. Sarina's boyfriend had made Andy and I drug packers, along with more teenagers.

Denying us to go back to our families. Sarina, she had watched us and did nothing. She had been the one to sell us to the bastard. "How about the skinny one!" the buffy man had asked, glancing at me.

"He'll work in the warehouse," Sarina's boyfriend had replied, shifting his eyes onto Andy. "He'll be distributing."

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