Chapter Twenty-Six

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I landed on my back, glistening lights coming to my view. Hinto and Jason at the side of the ring yelling something I couldn't grasp. Slowly I was taken to when I was seven years old. Inside the exotic restaurant with my mother who was busy in her tablet, while we waited for father.

A call had been made on her tablet. "Hyphen dear stay here mommy will be back," she had said as I had nodded watching her disappearing down the dim aisle that had more people in their tables.

I had turned to face the glass before me, seeing the busy city outside. The sight of a teenage boy in a grey uniform had come to my view. I had been able to quite make up his face with the grey hoodie he wore. He had waved at me. So, had I, before cupping his hands together. I had stared at him curiously.

He had opened it, a pigeon flying out. "Wow," I had gasped as he moved closer to the glass, still his face under the shade of his hood. Blood stains on his grey hoodie coming to my view. A hand with bloody bandages had touched the glass.

My hand had moved toward it but my mother's footsteps had got him running.

"HYPHEN!" Jason's voice pulled me to the presence.

The sight of Alexia running her fist on my face coming to my view. My hand held it, rolling her on the ground and wrapped my legs around her arm. My mouth tasting blood. "LOCK IT HYPHEN!" Jason yelled loudly.

My fans going crazy yelling my name. I tightened my grip around her arm. A loud scream left her lips. I tightened my grip, pulling her arm. A loud scream left her lips the referee moving around asking if she quitted.

She shook her head no, her other fist running at the side of my belly, the chain under her bandage cutting my skin. I tightened my grip, not caring what was happening to me. Seeing I wasn't loosening my grip around her she reached for my face but I laid back, pulling her arm even more, hearing it pop.


A loud scream left her lips. "COME ON HYPHEN! TIGHTER!" Hinto yelled.

Harsh high pitch whistle suddenly entered my ears. "HUH!" I screamed

My grip on Alexia's hand loosened. My hands covered my ears. Feeling sticky warm liquid from them.

My eyes blinking, lying on the bloody ring floor. "HUH!" I screamed even more loudly, my eardrums feeling like they were bursting. My blurry eyes saw a foot kicking my face. Checkered stars appeared. The glass grains bruising my face.

Blood already choking me. Jason, I saw him pull Alexia off me. I dragged my body toward the steel bars, helping myself sit upright. Blood, I could taste blood in my mouth and nose. Hinto appearing before me. My left eye fuzzy. His mouth moved but I couldn't hear a thing. Blinking now and again. Jason also appeared his mouth also moving.

I tried moving my mouth to tell them I was alright but it hurt. My whole mouth hurt. My right eye suddenly Alexia running for my corner. My hand involuntary pushed Hinto off me. Jason got up, his mouth moving while he headed for the emotionless woman. She threw a violent spin kick at Jason.

I saw his head violently twist, blood splashing out his mouth and nose. My forehead frowned, a sharp scream entering my right ear that belonged to Hinto.

"JASON!" I yelled but couldn't hear myself.

His body landed on the bloody floor with a loud thud, everything turning into slow motion. Tears rushed down my cheeks. His eyes gun metal eyes stared at me, dull just like my father's eyes had been, bullets already ripped most of his face and body.

Hinto rushed to him, tears flooding down his face.  

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