Chapter Fifty-Six

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Rain poured heavily on me, my senses all awakened. "Hydo? Is that you?" a man's voice asked.

Hydo? That was in my past, back when I was sixteen. Only a few people called me by that name. My eyes shifted onto the fat man, in a brown suit coming out the small store, carrying a plastic bag.

My eyes widened a little. "Ethne?"

The flashback of the skinny boy with bushy eyebrows, who was our watch guard, when stealing from people's apartments flashing in my head. "Yes, it's me," he said heading for me, hugging me.

I stood there unable to move. He had gotten big and taller. His hug broke lose. "I thought you had died," he said not believing his eyes.

"You're big," I said, realizing how much time had passed.

It was not long when he followed us, wanting to learn everything I did. Not long I had taught him to smoke, using a piece of paper and matchstick, to finally giving him his first cigarette, where he was baptized to become part of the group.

He laughed. "You're still funny, yes I grew,"

Grew? He had done more then that. That was when I notied a young girl who seemed twelve years old, walking out of the store. "Dad, the regular chocolate bars weren't there so I took these instead," she said, walking towards Ethne.


"No problem honey," pulling out car keys and tossing them to the little girl. "Go in the car, I'll catch up."

She glanced at me and nodded, walking away. "That's my last born, Giselle," he said.

"You have kids?" I asked.

He nodded. "I got married to a woman in the Yadin section after graduating from college and got three children, two daughters and a son," he explained. "And you? You look..."

"I have to go," I quickly said, walking past him.

"Hydo, if you need help I'm here," he said, his hand holding my arm.

"Don't touch me," I warned him, realizing I had almost run my fist on his chubby face.

His grip loosened from my arm, my fist also moving away from his face. His eyes filled with fear and...I walked away, leaving him standing on the verandas. Memories of a past event resurfacing.

Four of us, teenagers. Them fourteen, me sixteen. We had all headed to steal in Walter's butchery.

We had used the small window at the back to enter. Ethne, he had been the watch guard, not entering. We had entered the dark butchery, taking every note we could find, but there, I had heard a muffled cry.

Like any teenager I had walked over to the cold room, where the muffled cry seemed to come from. The other three who had also heard the muffle cry followed me. They carried their sacks with banknotes and some of their sacks with meat. My sack being the biggest with banknotes and beef meat for Morgen.

He loved beef meat and I had decided to get him some. The muffled cry had got closer as we got to the cold room. My eyes had widened...

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